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About 350ed

  • Birthday 26/01/1989


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    West Sussex

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  1. 350ed

    MPSS Poor Quality?

    I agree, I'm really pleased with both the tread wear and the grip. They've been an awesome tyre. It doesn't make sense to save a bit of cash on a tyre that'll only do 1/2 to 2/3 of the mileage. I think I'm fairly lucky getting nearly 20,000 miles so far. Sadly I don't get much opportunity for really spirited driving though! In a way I should be pleased that I've got such good mileage out of them, but I still thought the cracking was a bit premature for the age. Sounds like I’ve been a bit over-worried though. Just anything tyres/brakes/suspension/steering I'm fairly cautious with. Thanks, I really appreciate all the advice. Michelin contacted anyway. I shall report back...
  2. 350ed

    MPSS Poor Quality?

    Thanks for the tips. I shall give contacting Michelin a go. I'll report back on the success!
  3. 350ed

    MPSS Poor Quality?

    Thanks, good to get your thoughts. I agree, I suspect getting in touch with Michelin will be an annoying and fruitless experience! I know they're not major cracks but I was just a bit surprised for them to happen on tyres that aren't even three years old. I don't do any track days. I'll probably still get them replaced soon though, just to be safe, rather than it niggling in my mind.
  4. 350ed

    MPSS Poor Quality?

    Hi, When washing the zed over the weekend, I noticed that all four tyres are showing some mild cracks around the edge of the tread blocks. They're all MPSS. All the tyres were fitted at the same time, just under three years ago. The DOT marks are 1514 on the fronts and 4014 on the rears. So the rears are less than three years since manufacture and the fronts nearly three and a half. I've done less than 20K miles on them and they still have a fair amount of tread left so this is a little annoying. I'll change them now to be safe. I'm interested to hear thoughts on this. Is this normal or have I been unlucky? Is it worth contacting Michelin? I know I do fairly low mileage (around 7K a year) and lack of use can mean the tyres crack prematurely, but this seems a bit soon? I was probably going to replace them with MPS4 but now I'm reconsidering! Any thoughts much appreciated. Thanks.
  5. That was probably me! It was quite warm wasn't it! Great event though. Hope you enjoyed.
  6. I've had this issue with the same error code for around two years now. When starting the car it goes into limp mode and throws a 2138 code, but then restarts fine. It then runs fine until doing the same thing two to three months later. I got Abbey to have a look and they cleaned the sensors I believe. This was in January. The car then did the same thing and threw the code the following day! So I cleared the code and it hasn't done this for around 5 months now. Fingers crossed it's sorted! Time will tell. That may be of help. Ed
  7. That was me! Could have said hello :-) I'm guessing I was doing my stern get in sainsburys and get of sainsburys quickly walk!
  8. Hi, I'm in Crawley, but often in East Grinstead too. I shall look out for you also!
  9. I think I saw that one too near Three Bridges on Friday and then again at East Grinstead station over the weekend. Plate ending in YWY or similar? I'm often about that way in my dark blue zed, although no bodykit I'm afraid. Whereabouts are you?
  10. I'm 25 and will be 26 in a few weeks, just got a renewal for £494. The first sub-£500 premium I've had! Just reached the point where road tax (sorry, 'Vehicle licence fund') is more than my insurance.
  11. I see you sometimes in the morning when I'm walking to the station. About 7.30am. Your car sounds sweet through the tunnel. You keep making me want to go back home, take the day off and spend the day driving the zed!
  12. Sorry for being a bit late to this but I sold my Clio 197 a few months ago to get my Zed. Before I had that I had a 172. Both were brilliant! The 197 felt planted to be honest. Bags of grip for a fwd round the bends. Only downside I found was that the gearbox was clunky/hard to shift when it was cold. Apparently this is a common issue. Other than that it was solid and proved to be very reliable for the two years I had it, from 30K to 50K miles. Are you considering a full fat or cup model?
  13. I've been fortunate enough to see and hear this for real (I live just round the corner from Tim and purchased his Zed) and it really is stunning! It is spotless and the blue looks amazing in the sunshine. Sounds awesome too! Nice pics Tim.
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