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Spider webs


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Ok so maybe not exactly a detailing question but I find that spider webs are becoming a bit of a nightmare to remove.


I've got a couple of spiders living inside my wing mirrors and I've tried vacuuming them out but a couple of days after every wash I see a nice web built all over again.


What can I do to prevent this, kill off the spiders, etc?

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Only way I can see is for you to catch the spiders and find them a new home in the garden somewhere.


Can't blame them for wanting to live in the Zed though, ...height of luxury for them and I bet it's great when you put the heated mirrors on. :D

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What you need is a bird, to catch the spider. Then of course you need a cat to catch the bird. Then a dog to catch the cat. Then apparently a goat to catch the dog, a cow to catch the goat, a horse to catch the cow and you need to swallow them all or something.

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I have never tried it but you can get some stuff called Spider Away, bizarrely its a boat product, but hear it works.




I may have to try that - I'm just a bit wary of spraying stuff on the car and damaging the paintwork


It says safe for all surfaces. As they seem to live behind the mirror (i get them too) i would just squirt some on the mirror and behind if your worried.

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As a boat owner I can confirm that this stuff doesn't work! It's based on conker oil which spiders supposedly hate but they don't work either!

Only way is to remove the spiders, you will catch them rebuilding their webs at night (please don't kill them though, we need spiders). :)

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:lol: Funny you should put that... i just bought a daily runaround fiesta, same issue, a spider in each wingmirror! Had to sacrafice 2 ants, threw one in the web, spider came storming out, boooom, sprayed it with raid it hit the floor dead. same thing with the other side!

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Did the ants make it?


No otherwise it wouldnt have been a sacrifice! mind you i think one ant did as it didnt get stuck in the web it fell to the floor but the spider still came out!


I'm not a spider scientist or anything but couldn't you just give the web a tap with something to lure out? Or are they cleverer than I give them credit for?


Or did you just sacrifice the ants on an alter to appease the spider gods? :lol:

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Tickle the web with small twig or so - spider will pop out, then just brush the 8 legged friend onto the floor. Depending on your conscious, either 1. watch your 8 legged friends scarpure off, or 2 stand on it and teach him not to mess with you.


I would advise action number - 1 - because in life there is always someone bigger than you!!!

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