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Saw the new one the other day.


Wasn't quite pants but wasn't very good either. The trailers promised cheese and the film delivered it.


I have always thought humour doesn't have a place in the terminator films. Even the light sprinkling in terminator 2 and trying to humanise the Terminator.


Terminator 1 had it bang on for me. Relentless remorseless killing machine and two sh1t scared protagonists. And arnie just WAS that terminator. That film got me loving Arnie and getting into zee pumping of zee ironz!


What do you think of the franchise? Where would you like to see the plot go?


I'd like a future only setting where Sky net had rolled out the T800's like in the T1 and T2 future scenes.


Opinions on an SAE or postcard. :)

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The first one ruled. Second one is a rare top notch sequel in the Aliens/Godfather II, category; bit different to the superior originals, but excellent nontheless.


If they must continue knocking them out, and they must as the world would collapse if something that isn't a sequel/prequel/reimagining/same universe or comic/graphic novel was released into multiplexes by accident; they should go down the route of the time when terminators were rubber skinned and easy to spot. Post apcoclypse is always a good time to set a film (unless it's the new Mad Max, which sucked nuts).


On a tenuous link, I've been very much enjoying Arnie's recent work with the meerkats. It's the best Schwareznegger work since True Lies.

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The whole franchise has been fundamentally flawed in principal; super-computer that's smart enough to take over the world, can't figure out the grandfather paradox... or the bootstrap paradox either of which predetermines it's rather predictable failure. Not to mention the predestination paradox, especially in the first film.


The first one was meh - unusually it was a good execution of a ****-poor plot, it's usually the other way around. The second one was better - still flawed but marginally less so. After that it just got worse (and worse, and worse...).

Edited by ilogikal1
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Part 2 is one of my all time favourite films. Since then they have never delivered


Not seen this one yet but from the trailer it's good to see they've got to the point the war is waging and he gets sent back in time. This should've been in part 3


But this part just looks pants. Full of cheese and the actors look like they belong in a tv advert not Hollywood films

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The first one ruled. Second one is a rare top notch sequel in the Aliens/Godfather II, category; bit different to the superior originals, but excellent nontheless.


If they must continue knocking them out, and they must as the world would collapse if something that isn't a sequel/prequel/reimagining/same universe or comic/graphic novel was released into multiplexes by accident; they should go down the route of the time when terminators were rubber skinned and easy to spot. Post apcoclypse is always a good time to set a film (unless it's the new Mad Max, which sucked nuts).


On a tenuous link, I've been very much enjoying Arnie's recent work with the meerkats. It's the best Schwareznegger work since True Lies.


Aliens was the only sequel I thought was better than the first. Even though it's a completely different kind of film.


I own a replica M41A Pulse Rifle with a 21st century fox certificate :)


Michael Biehn was a highly underrated actor. Shame his career never really took off.

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The first one ruled. Second one is a rare top notch sequel in the Aliens/Godfather II, category; bit different to the superior originals, but excellent nontheless.


If they must continue knocking them out, and they must as the world would collapse if something that isn't a sequel/prequel/reimagining/same universe or comic/graphic novel was released into multiplexes by accident; they should go down the route of the time when terminators were rubber skinned and easy to spot. Post apcoclypse is always a good time to set a film (unless it's the new Mad Max, which sucked nuts).


On a tenuous link, I've been very much enjoying Arnie's recent work with the meerkats. It's the best Schwareznegger work since True Lies.


Aliens was the only sequel I thought was better than the first. Even though it's a completely different kind of film.


I own a replica M41A Pulse Rifle with a 21st century fox certificate :)


Michael Biehn was a highly underrated actor. Shame his career never really took off.


Biehn is defo underrated. It's about time he popped up in a Quentin Tarantino movie. He's really good in The Abyss, another Cameron effort, and Tombstone.


I really liked Aliens, but I love Alien, it's so tense and it really builds and builds right up to the chestburster. Except maybe Bladerunner (another Ridley Scott), it's probably got the best set design of any film ever. Back when they made sets instead of standing in front of a green screen. The Director commentary on Alien is one of my favourites too, almost as good as the one for Fight Club.


Pics of the rifle (custard optional) or it doesn't exist! :lol:


Edit: the only sequel I personally think is better than the original is Empire Strikes Back :)

Edited by SuperStu
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Anyone who saw the latest one and didn't love it is a loser. It's amazing!


The first half hour is a pure tribute stuff for the fans, but no worse for it and I cannot see any Terminator fan not loving it. The rest of the film is really good too, plenty of little nods to the previous films, and Arnie is just Arnie i.e. f*cking awesome.



Best action film I've seen this year, even better than The Avengers 2. And I *love* the Marvel films.

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The first one ruled. Second one is a rare top notch sequel in the Aliens/Godfather II, category; bit different to the superior originals, but excellent nontheless.


If they must continue knocking them out, and they must as the world would collapse if something that isn't a sequel/prequel/reimagining/same universe or comic/graphic novel was released into multiplexes by accident; they should go down the route of the time when terminators were rubber skinned and easy to spot. Post apcoclypse is always a good time to set a film (unless it's the new Mad Max, which sucked nuts).


On a tenuous link, I've been very much enjoying Arnie's recent work with the meerkats. It's the best Schwareznegger work since True Lies.


Aliens was the only sequel I thought was better than the first. Even though it's a completely different kind of film.


I own a replica M41A Pulse Rifle with a 21st century fox certificate :)


Michael Biehn was a highly underrated actor. Shame his career never really took off.


Biehn is defo underrated. It's about time he popped up in a Quentin Tarantino movie. He's really good in The Abyss, another Cameron effort, and Tombstone.


I really liked Aliens, but I love Alien, it's so tense and it really builds and builds right up to the chestburster. Except maybe Bladerunner (another Ridley Scott), it's probably got the best set design of any film ever. Back when they made sets instead of standing in front of a green screen. The Director commentary on Alien is one of my favourites too, almost as good as the one for Fight Club.


Pics of the rifle (custard optional) or it doesn't exist! :lol:


Edit: the only sequel I personally think is better than the original is Empire Strikes Back :)






Edited by TT350
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Any PoPo on here - its not a working firearm nor is it a replica of a real and existing firearm. It's a sci fi replica.


Im saying this because I got 'interest' from the Police when I tried to sell it on Ebay.

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Enjoyed Genisys :D


the CGI arnie from 1984 was very impressive much better than in salvation B)


Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor was totally miscast tho, too short and young looking to be taken serious as a fighter for the human race :blush:

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Enjoyed Genisys :D


the CGI arnie from 1984 was very impressive much better than in salvation B)


Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor was totally miscast tho, too short and young looking to be taken serious as a fighter for the human race :blush:


I agree about the young looking thing. But they were actually both nearly the same age when playing SC for the first time. Linda Hamilton was 28 in 1983 (when the film was shot) Emilia Clarke is 28 now.


But Emilia clarke just looks childlike in the face.


And Game Of Thrones also has Lena Headey who also played Sarah Connor.


I'm not a geek or anything.





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Enjoyed Genisys :D


the CGI arnie from 1984 was very impressive much better than in salvation B)


Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor was totally miscast tho, too short and young looking to be taken serious as a fighter for the human race :blush:


I agree about the young looking thing. But they were actually both nearly the same age when playing SC for the first time. Linda Hamilton was 28 in 1983 (when the film was shot) Emilia Clarke is 28 now.


But Emilia clarke just looks childlike in the face.


And Game Of Thrones also has Lena Headey who also played Sarah Connor.


I'm not a geek or anything.


yeah i knew she was 28, seen her boobies as well, for me it seemed she wasn't the right person for the role :blush:

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Yeah, you would.


Amanda Clapham is my go-to Hollyoaks fap lady though these days, she's gorgeous.


Mitzee. Cindy. Sienna. Carmel. Mercedes. Nana McQueen.


Biff baff boff

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Enjoyed Genisys :D


the CGI arnie from 1984 was very impressive much better than in salvation B)


Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor was totally miscast tho, too short and young looking to be taken serious as a fighter for the human race :blush:


I agree about the young looking thing. But they were actually both nearly the same age when playing SC for the first time. Linda Hamilton was 28 in 1983 (when the film was shot) Emilia Clarke is 28 now.


But Emilia clarke just looks childlike in the face.


And Game Of Thrones also has Lena Headey who also played Sarah Connor.


I'm not a geek or anything.


yeah i knew she was 28, seen her boobies as well, for me it seemed she wasn't the right person for the role :blush:


I've seen her bubies and her bot bot.

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The first one ruled. Second one is a rare top notch sequel in the Aliens/Godfather II, category; bit different to the superior originals, but excellent nontheless.


If they must continue knocking them out, and they must as the world would collapse if something that isn't a sequel/prequel/reimagining/same universe or comic/graphic novel was released into multiplexes by accident; they should go down the route of the time when terminators were rubber skinned and easy to spot. Post apcoclypse is always a good time to set a film (unless it's the new Mad Max, which sucked nuts).


On a tenuous link, I've been very much enjoying Arnie's recent work with the meerkats. It's the best Schwareznegger work since True Lies.


Aliens was the only sequel I thought was better than the first. Even though it's a completely different kind of film.


I own a replica M41A Pulse Rifle with a 21st century fox certificate :)


Michael Biehn was a highly underrated actor. Shame his career never really took off.


Biehn is defo underrated. It's about time he popped up in a Quentin Tarantino movie. He's really good in The Abyss, another Cameron effort, and Tombstone.


I really liked Aliens, but I love Alien, it's so tense and it really builds and builds right up to the chestburster. Except maybe Bladerunner (another Ridley Scott), it's probably got the best set design of any film ever. Back when they made sets instead of standing in front of a green screen. The Director commentary on Alien is one of my favourites too, almost as good as the one for Fight Club.


Pics of the rifle (custard optional) or it doesn't exist! :lol:


Edit: the only sequel I personally think is better than the original is Empire Strikes Back :)


Biehn is back in Alien 5. Neil Blomkamp has announced it. Yeah he died in Alien 3 but there's ways around death in Hollywood.


Alien is very tense almost to the point it's stressful to watch. It's so gritty and realistic as in the acting and set like you say.


The game Alien Isolation recreates it perfectly. That's stressful to play too lol.


Alien Resurrection was poopie. Alien 3 was decent in special edition.

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