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Zed Owners MUST READ! P0011, P0021 Caused by "OIL Gallery GASKETS"


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Hi Guys


I'm starting this thread to document my problems purely for Zed owners who will inevitably have this problem I have.


As some of you may be aware my engine got starved of oil and I had to have a full engine re-build. I was ALWAYS concerned to where the oil went in the first place but now its all making sense!


Basically after re-installing my re-built VQ37VHR engine, managed to get it running (idling) the car was in limp mode an threw up these two codes (P0011, P0021). These codes are related to LOW Oil pressure in the engine. These codes automatically put the engine into LIMP mode to protect itself from any further damage. This results in the engine not being allowed rev over 3000RPM. After spending hours exchanging emails to various forum members and technicians in America, I have finally managed to source my problems!


These codes are common on all VQ's. 3.5 and 3.7L. Maxima, Altima, Z, G, etc, engines due to a failed Oil gallery gasket within the timing case. These gaskets are made of a paper like material and basically blow, allowing oil into the timing case (loosing oil without any signs!!!)


I was told that its not as common on the VQ37 engines atm due to the mileage of the cars about. Basically being a newer engine and most haven't done that many miles, but they can go at any time regardless of mileage. When they do blow in some cases you will not notice straight away and the only way of knowing is to do an oil pressure test or install an oil pressure gauge! First signs can be slight drops in revs when car is idle (mine did this before the rebuild!!) Many G37 owners in America had no symptoms and their cars engines were fine (well seemed to be). After reading the forum posts alot got their engines oil pressure tested and alot shown signs of drop in Oil pressure. When they had this gasket inspected by nissan with their Warranty they found that the gasket had blown!!!


Nissan have now revised the 2x Oil gallery gaskets (T shape & L shape) which have a metal compound within them to prevent future fails.

Here is a few Pictures of the failed gaskets:- HERE HERE HERE


HERE and HERE is a picture of the engine timing cover removed, which shows the 2x parts which need to be removed to replace the gaskets.


Again HEREis the bigger of the 2 Oil Gallery plates removed with a failed gasket.


Also if you remove the cam covers its advised to replace the oil seals as pictured below. You will need a total of 6!



The part Numbers for these Gaskets are listed below! They are the Same for both the VQ35 and VQ37 Engines.


OIL Galley Gaskets Part Numbers:




Cam cover oil Seals Part Number:




I will be performing replacing these gaskets within the next few days with a full DIY walk trough with photos.

Unfortunately this WILL happen to ALL pre-2012 Zeds. Every car is different so mileage doesn't really come in to it. Only way to check is by checking your oil pressure.


Hope this post is informative enough and can save zed owners ALOT of money!



Edited by laytonanthony
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I searched the forum or the 370z with the related P0011, P0021 and I could not find anything that relates to these gaskets. I thought I'd start the thread with all the corresponding codes and parts so if anyone in the near future searched the error codes it would find this thread.

Sipar69 In regards to your question, one guy sourced the change in the gaskets from stockist and said basically after 2012 they pretty much used the uprated gasket but there is still no guarantees.

Nissan dealers will always say to change the complete rear plate with the gaskets prefatory sealed as they do not have the torque settings for the plates.

Infinity further then released a note to all technicians to just replace the gaskets. I'll attach this pdf shortly. Some nissan garages are seing on average 50 a year with this problem.


Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

Edited by laytonanthony
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Again this is for a 350z. There isn't any direct threads which relate to a 370z. After digging and speaking to some forum members in the states they assured me the early 370z are the same and use the same gasket.

Regardless if this thread is common knowledge or not it's to help other members to search it easier and make them aware. I've spent over a week trying to figure this problem out and with no help of any of the UK Forum members. If it were that common knowledge somebody would of piped up and suggested it. This should be made a sticky to warn zed owners about the inevitable.


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  On 05/07/2015 at 16:32, ZMANALEX said:

If you had searched low oil pressure, you would have quickly found the answer to your problem.


Sorry to hear that UK forum members were of no help.

Is this a big job

I'm a little concerned as I've noticed my oil going down a bit

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  On 05/07/2015 at 17:03, ZMANALEX said:

It is an engine in situ job.


I have done 3 so far and got the time down to 4 hrs.




Probably at least a days work if first time.


I check my level every time I drive bit did noticed I had used a bit in europe

I shall keep a very close eye on this


I think it would be beyond my capabilities to be fair

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  On 05/07/2015 at 19:41, Mark@Abbey m/s said:

This issue won't cause oil usage. The oil that leaks from the gaskets drop back into the sump.


Just causes low oil pressure.


Nissan quote 7 hours for this job the majority of the time it to clean the old gasket from the mating surfaces.


Thanks for that mark

Time to fit a pressure gauge then

What sort of presure should you see if things are all good


Also if the engine was suffering from low pressure would it give any indication engine light or anything?

Edited by nissanman312
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  On 05/07/2015 at 19:41, Mark@Abbey m/s said:

This issue won't cause oil usage. The oil that leaks from the gaskets drop back into the sump.


Just causes low oil pressure.


Nissan quote 7 hours for this job the majority of the time it to clean the old gasket from the mating surfaces.


And how many hours do you charge mark?

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  On 05/07/2015 at 19:46, nissanman312 said:
  On 05/07/2015 at 19:41, Mark@Abbey m/s said:

This issue won't cause oil usage. The oil that leaks from the gaskets drop back into the sump.


Just causes low oil pressure.


Nissan quote 7 hours for this job the majority of the time it to clean the old gasket from the mating surfaces.


Thanks for that mark

Time to fit a pressure gauge then

What sort of presure should you see if things are all good


Ours will be different to standard nick due to the supercharger ..... I think!?

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Thanks for this, interesting read. Isn't this a recall if Nissan have revised the gaskets? And I've never seen this before either so I think mods should make this a sticky (unless already done).

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