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Not bad for my first time!


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Some of you may have seen me post a few weeks ago about all the holograms all over my car. If you hadn't... the best picture I've got is this...




You can see them on the rear quarter in that picture but take my word for it that they were like that but ALL over the car, just in vertical lines and any time the car was in direct sunlight it was all I could see!


So, I posted in the detailing section here with what product I already had and what I should do... So I'd like to say THANK YOU to everyone in that thread who helped! I bought a pad that was recommended to me, read the articles that were suggested, watched videos on Youtube and read around some other forums etc. I then practised using the machine polisher on a spare Saxo bonnet I had lying around (I've never even had a Saxo... Don't ask!) and was a bit cautious using it on my zed at first but I don't know what I was worried about now... the DAS 6 Pro is really a great bit of kit!


I washed it, clayed it, gave it a wash down again and then got out my machine polisher... going over it with just M205 and a Lake Country HydroTech finishing pad




I was really pleased with how it was turning out! The paint was in pretty good condition anyway which is why I didn't bother going for any real cut... maybe next time!


After polishing it up the plan was to stick a layer of Collinite 476 on, but then this happened....




I had finished machine polishing it and doing the last few bits by about 2 minutes when the heavens opened! It was 9pm by this point though and I had been at it for around 5 hours (with a quick dinner break) so decided to call it a night. Side note: Did this all take me way too long or is that normal?


Next morning I made sure the paintwork was clean again, just going over it with some water and a bit of quick detailer then dried it off. Started using the Collonite 476 with a foam applicator pad and a microfibre to buff off, took around an hour to do the whole car and was surprisingly easy to apply considering all the stuff I'd read on the internet about it being a pig to put on and buff off!


So, the finished result! I'm really happy with how it turned out, I know I haven't really 'corrected' the paint because I just went straight to a finishing polish but that wasn't my aim this time... I just wanted to get a feel for using the polisher but mainly to get rid of those hideous holograms which I'm very pleased to say have now gone :D



Edited by Durk
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Thanks for the good comments guys! I appreciate it! B)


  On 27/06/2015 at 12:03, Zedd said:

Looks spot on! Mines in desperate need of a detail, where did you get the polisher from? :)


I got it from cleanyourcar awhile ago and used the code DAS6GROUPBUY for discount... not sure if it will still work though :thumbs:

Edited by Durk
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