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Someone crashed into my lambo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  Sarnie said:
Ok boys.........calm down...... :lol:



The bottom line is.....................I hate it......... :dry:


Its absolutely rubbish. It really does sound like a diesel transit van. When at stanstill the tickover sounds just like a truck :scare:


When I first got in a lambo I was sooo excited I knew straight away i was buying one. It was the same when i first got in a zed. I was expecting to hear the famous prancing horse roar but it was more like a feeble wimper.


All of my friends have said that my lambo is light years ahead of it sound wise. I know my G is decatted and with a tubi but even when standard, my G sounded sooo much better than this 430. You accelerate and there is just no spine tingling noise at all, even with the windows down.


This car sounds sooooooo bad is untrue. I have driven it all day and it did in no way feel like a £130k car. Acceleration is quick but, like the zed, it struggles to put the power down through the rear wheels. Accelerating hard in anything other than bone dry conditiond causes the rear wheels to spin furiously meaning the esp kicks in. I've never appreciated until now how good the Lambo 4wd system was until getting into this. This is the biggest let down I've ever experienced. I expected to get in this car and wanna 'upgrade' but to be honest I'd take my G and the £35k difference absolutley any day of the week.



There are some things i like such as the firmness of the clutch, easier to drive around town, the steering wheel and its gadgets, the electric glove box, the bigger boot, the much bigger transparent engine bay, the brakes..


Things I don't like are the cream interior, no sat nav, no electric folding mirrors, seating position too high, **** poor ICE, too exposed, shitty engine sound and millions of other things.


Also, even though it a Ferrari, it doesn't attract anywhere near the attention of my gallardo.... :dry::blush:


I don't like it that much that I'm gonna call the insurance people tomorow and tell them to take it back :blush:


Overall the looks are spot on but once behind the wheel the G, or at least my G, the lambo takes it.


I defy anyone to get out of my G saying that it doesn't sound awesome. I know some people will prefer the 430, others the G and others neither but I know that my car is amazing to me. :)


I know people expect me to be biased but all 11 people who have been in it today stated that they prefered my lambo. Some prefered the Ferrari interior and some the exterior but all said when it came to it, they would take the Lambo.




Hate sounds like a strong word....


Glad you feel you've made the right decision. Each to their own. As for the drive, that is the difference between something you 'feel' and become part of the machinery, and something that does a lot for you.....

350Z vs TT, Gallardo vs F430 I guess.


Now lets hope the repair and insurance all goes smoothly. :thumbs:

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I would get a lambo G anyday over a 430. Ferraris are good to drive as other people say only cos of all the technical driving aids and toys that come with it.


The lambo has much less of all of the driver aids....looks raw and punchy...sounds great...reliability is getting better than the horse...cheaper as well....


all this of course IMO...and i have a preference for the lambo...

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  bobby said:
I would get a lambo G anyday over a 430. Ferraris are good to drive as other people say only cos of all the technical driving aids and toys that come with it.


The lambo has much less of all of the driver aids....looks raw and punchy...sounds great...reliability is getting better than the horse...cheaper as well....


all this of course IMO...and i have a preference for the lambo...


I think you have that the wrong way round bud. Take a look at the technology and electronics that keep a G on the road vs. an F430...... ;)


I'll give you one to start, 4WD vs RWD..... :)

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  H5 said:
  bobby said:
I would get a lambo G anyday over a 430. Ferraris are good to drive as other people say only cos of all the technical driving aids and toys that come with it.


The lambo has much less of all of the driver aids....looks raw and punchy...sounds great...reliability is getting better than the horse...cheaper as well....


all this of course IMO...and i have a preference for the lambo...


I think you have that the wrong way round bud. Take a look at the technology and electronics that keep a G on the road vs. an F430...... ;)


I'll give you one to start, 4WD vs RWD..... :)




I had an Impreza WRX a few years ago, (for Sarnie benefit it was 4WD). It had 235 bhp and in the real world on UK roads was much quicker than a Zed and much easy to drive fast. The Zed was stacks more fun though.


Remember whez Jezza test drove a RS4 v's M3. The M3 was slower round the top gear track, yet he still said ne preferred the M3. the hooilans car being more fun.

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I agree about the 4wd....mayb wrong on the technical aspects...but still believe that for a RWD car the 430 has too much stuff working in computers to keep it on the road... compared to the lambo's 4wd....what im trying to say is for a person to walk into a showroom get in a car and drive it fast on a track if possible...the lambo is simpler isnt it?


would u like a lambo after driving a 430? maybe

would u like a 430 after driving a lambo??........id like to know...if im wrong here then i need to re arrange my info base..lol

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  bobby said:
I agree about the 4wd....mayb wrong on the technical aspects...but still believe that for a RWD car the 430 has too much stuff working in computers to keep it on the road... compared to the lambo's 4wd....what im trying to say is for a person to walk into a showroom get in a car and drive it fast on a track if possible...the lambo is simpler isnt it?


would u like a lambo after driving a 430? maybe

would u like a 430 after driving a lambo??........id like to know...if im wrong here then i need to re arrange my info base..lol


In a more real world way, ask yourself the same question using a 350Z and Audi TT as your reference points.....

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hmmmmm.. point taken...but still not sure...the only person here who has the 430 temporarily instead of the lambo seems to feel the same way...but id like to hear more people's opinions on the matter...


what do you all think???


430 or a lambo?

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  bobby said:
hmmmmm.. point taken...but still not sure...the only person here who has the 430 temporarily instead of the lambo seems to feel the same way...but id like to hear more people's opinions on the matter...


what do you all think???


430 or a lambo?


Ive been in a Gallardo and a Murcielago Ive only ever been in a Ferrari 612, not 430, but can honestly say much prefer the Lambo on comparison, and actually prefered the Gallardo slightly over the Murcielago on performance B) The lambos get more looks too. Although when I sat in my mates Porsche GT...that wiped the floor with all of them, for performance and looks :blush: But out the two, by far a Lambo imo B)

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  bobby said:
hmmmmm.. point taken...but still not sure...the only person here who has the 430 temporarily instead of the lambo seems to feel the same way...but id like to hear more people's opinions on the matter...


what do you all think???


430 or a lambo?


Many poeple on here chose cars on looks so don't expect a balanced view. No offence intended. :scare:

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In the real world it’s going to be looks, handling and comfort. Performance isn’t really an issue as both the Lamborghini and the Ferrari are fully loaded.


It’s really going to come down to how you feel behind the wheel.

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  GC350z said:
In the real world it’s going to be looks, handling and comfort. Performance isn’t really an issue as both the Lamborghini and the Ferrari are fully loaded.


It’s really going to come down to how you feel behind the wheel.


That's just your oppinion. Everyone buys for different reasons. Some would buy on badge alone, e.g. Would as many people buy the G if it had a Skoda badge on it?


It is Audi based when all said and done..... :lol:

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Ok, maybe hate was the wrong would to use but I seriously don't like it. The drive is just so sterile. The noise is awful. A zed with a nismo zorst sounds better. Rwd is more fun, granted as thats what I miss most about my zed. This car gets nowhere near as much attention as the G. I honestly think that if i'd had the 430 first and then had the G the outcome would of been the same. I just connect with the G where as this 430 bores me. I go out in my G for no reason at all all the time but I can't even be arsed to go out in the 430 as its soooo dull :yawn:

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  Chesterfield said:
  Kev946 said:
Everyone buys for different reasons.


  Sarnie said:
Also, even though it a Ferrari, it doesn't attract anywhere near the attention of my gallardo....


Isn't this the entire point of this threads very existence summed up? ;)



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I buy a car on looks and then how it drives. Hence i didn't get a TT or S2000 as i do not like how either of them look. I am not bothered how they drive as i dont like them and cant see myself in them at all.


I buy a car to match how i want people to perceive me, hence I don’t really want a Lambo as I am not that sort of person, I want people to look - obviously - however I like the style and looks of the Aston and the status it brings. It’s a more subtle look at me rather than an all out LOOK AT ME!


However over the two here, I have been in both as my friend's Dad has a 430, and I agree with Liam, the G does it much more for me, plus I hate the Ferrari exhaust note, its just so weedy sounding. In fact it sound like a motor bike, high pitched and breathless.


BUT that is my opinion and everyone will have one, hence we are not all sheep.


Apart from Porsche drivers ;)

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  sl114 said:

I buy a car to match how i want people to perceive me, hence I don’t really want a Lambo as I am not that sort of person, I want people to look - obviously - however I like the style and looks of the Aston and the status it brings. It’s a more subtle look at me rather than an all out LOOK AT ME!


That is a very good point. I think we all to a certain extent consider a car to represent the type of person the owner is, e.g. An Aston the James Bond swarve sophisticated type, a F430 or G for that matter the rich bling chav..... :lol:

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