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What Game are you currently playing ?


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  On 28/02/2015 at 23:09, neo said:

the Order is a very short game, easily 5 hours to finish and NO online, not great value if you paid full price.


I must be rubbish then as I must have put in about 10 hours but I do believe I'm close to the end.


I got it with a deal on the PS4 I mentioned earlier in the thread

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Just bought The Grim Fandango from Steam. Which then made me realise how many great PC games I have. I can feel a great afternoon of pc gaming heading my way.


Back in the day, when I was playing games on the Amiga, I was always a Sim kid. Loved Geoff Crammond's Formula 1 GP but also loved other sims. I loved playing Gunship 2000 and F15 Strike Eagle. I think my favourites were Knights of the Sky and B17 Flying Fortress. God, I loved those MircoProse games.


I think this afternoon I will be bringing the Allied factions to their knees, via the means of Silent Hunter III

Edited by Bockaaarck
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  On 01/03/2015 at 08:53, Bockaaarck said:

Just bought The Grim Fandango from Steam. Which then made me realise how many great PC games I have. I can feel a great afternoon of pc gaming heading my way.


Back in the day, when I was playing games on the Amiga, I was always a Sim kid. Loved Geoff Crammond's Formula 1 GP but also loved other sims. I loved playing Gunship 2000 and F15 Strike Eagle. I think my favourites were Knights of the Sky and B17 Flying Fortress. God, I loved those MircoProse games.


I think this afternoon I will be bringing the Allied factions to their knees, via the means of Silent Hunter III


Loved the microprose games, also a big fan of gunship 2000. I also liked TAW (total air war) which I think was an ocean game.


I still have my custom a1200 (modded to take a 200mb internal 3.5" hd)bat my mums, I spent a fortune on the hd :lol: i may pick it up next time I'm there.

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  On 28/02/2015 at 23:26, Ekona said:

Today I have been mostly playing SF2T on SNES, Tenchu and MGS on PS1, and Soul Caliber and RE:CV on DC B)


I've also spent a small fortune trolling eBay for games from all my systems, buying from the UK, Cloggyland and the USA :D

If you don't mind me asking but what type and size of TV are you using?

I've wondered if they wouldn't look right on today's larger led/led panels using scart. I think if I was doing what you are if try and use a crt if I could.


Look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions :thumbs:

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I bought a Sony Trinitron 32" CRT for 99p from eBay :D


I do run them via scart, but the TV allows you to change the screen display from 16:9 to 4:3, so I get the best of both worlds. I'd forgotten just how good TV speakers can be though: We're so used to LCD tellies having crap speakers, but back then they had the space to put something decent in and the Sony ones are utterly superb. The music on RIdge Racer and Soul Caliber comes through in perfect clarity.


I've ordered a Megadrive as well now, and although I really wanted an original one I discovered that they only output sound in mono. It wasn't until the Megadrive II that the scart output carried sound in stereo, so I reluctantly bought one of those instead.

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  On 01/03/2015 at 09:22, BulletMagnet said:

Here's one for the RTS boys, playing Homeworld Remastered Collection, it's fantastic


I was a big fan of the originals, in fact I dusted off HW2 last year and played it through. Still looked lovely and played well.


I've heard that the unit strengths have been altered on the remakes, rendering some of the smaller craft nearly worthless later in the game. Is that true, or does it just force a change it tactics?

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  On 01/03/2015 at 15:38, Flex said:
  On 01/03/2015 at 15:15, Will370z said:

Xbox or ps4 flex, if xbox our little gang can help out


Dont swear at me Will, PS4, you know the superior gaming console :lol:

What is your psn Craigy baby?

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  On 01/03/2015 at 16:38, Humpy said:
  On 01/03/2015 at 15:38, Flex said:
  On 01/03/2015 at 15:15, Will370z said:

Xbox or ps4 flex, if xbox our little gang can help out


Dont swear at me Will, PS4, you know the superior gaming console :lol:

What is your psn Craigy baby?





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  On 01/03/2015 at 14:10, PiGFoetus said:
  On 01/03/2015 at 09:22, BulletMagnet said:

Here's one for the RTS boys, playing Homeworld Remastered Collection, it's fantastic


I was a big fan of the originals, in fact I dusted off HW2 last year and played it through. Still looked lovely and played well.


I've heard that the unit strengths have been altered on the remakes, rendering some of the smaller craft nearly worthless later in the game. Is that true, or does it just force a change it tactics?

Well, only managed the tutorial and the first mission with the ambush so far. But I also still have the originals, even have Homeworld: Cataclysm somewhere, which is missing in this collection :(

The atmosphere is so lovely tho, the soundtrack is beautiful during gameplay, creates a great ambience while playing

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  On 01/03/2015 at 12:41, Ekona said:

I bought a Sony Trinitron 32" CRT for 99p from eBay :D


I do run them via scart, but the TV allows you to change the screen display from 16:9 to 4:3, so I get the best of both worlds. I'd forgotten just how good TV speakers can be though: We're so used to LCD tellies having crap speakers, but back then they had the space to put something decent in and the Sony ones are utterly superb. The music on RIdge Racer and Soul Caliber comes through in perfect clarity.


I've ordered a Megadrive as well now, and although I really wanted an original one I discovered that they only output sound in mono. It wasn't until the Megadrive II that the scart output carried sound in stereo, so I reluctantly bought one of those instead.

You did mention the CRT earlier in the thread..... My bad.

I think that's the best way to go, I'm quite envious and would love some pics of the setup. Next house will have to have a man cave so I can have a something similar


A colleague collects Nintendo consoles (handheld too) and has every one of them in his home office but on display, don't think he plays them. Shame if he doesn't will have to ask.

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Current setup looks like this:








Bit of a mess right now, it's only there for testing purposes though :blush::lol: There's more in other boxes I haven't quite gotten round to getting out yet, and I need to decide where in the room it's all going so I can make the unit for it.

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Ekona I have a Megadrive Mk1, which does play the sound in stereo - you just need one of these leads. I got the Mk1 because it's the one I had as a kid and because the sound chip is supposed to be better.




And please tidy up those cables!!! :)

Edited by sipar69
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