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Every evening limiter and me race home after work, doing a respectable speed :blush: last night as we pulled out on our road (very big wide straight road no person or other car in sight), we put our foot down and then before we knew it sirens came on, we both pulled up in our drive and two traffic police got out of a bmw 3 series :headhurt::headhurt::headhurt:


My brother and I got out and apologised profusely, :blush: Both traffic police said no worries, they loved the 350z, said its very rare to see two in one week let alone on the same road with very similar number plates. Said they have had reports in the last two months of a few Z being stolen along with Astons.


Then they inspected our cars, looked inside rev the engines, listened to the nismo exhausts, admired the carbon, loved our wheels then nodded their heads and said they were hoping for a chase to add excitment to their day.



They told us to drive safe and keep up the good work, and dont chav mod our rides, then shook our hands and off they went. B)


Saved by the Z :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::rule::lol:

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