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Anyone see Dispatches last night?


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http://www.channel4.com/news/articles/d ... in/1038357


It does get me angry that the point was that we will have to pay to drive on the "congested" roads.


Surely we pay already in Road tax and petrol. People who drive more and people who have "gaz guzzlers" pay more because they use more petrol.


Imagine the implimentation costs of a national pay as you drive road system.


It is frustrating to watch the program and them saying you should stop driving more and use public transport.

I for one dont think that I will go for a drive just for the sake of it and the public transport is crap. I got a train from Guildford to london yesterday, was 19 pound and I had to stand.


The pay as you drive system will be more expensive during rush hour. Most people have to drive to work as there is no viable alternative. Time is valuable to people in this 24hr culture and spending an extra 1hour+ a day to use public transport is also not feasable...


Most of these schemes are advertised as a way to prevent congestion then cars with larger engines have to pay more for CO2 emissions. What is it? A polution tax or congestion tax???


Anyway. Rant over :-)

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Everyone should work from home one or two days a week. See how much that lowers congestion. If you think about it, if 1/5 to 1/4 of the people on the road werent there because they were at home working, the roads would be much nicer ;)

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Everyone should work from home one or two days a week. See how much that lowers congestion. If you think about it, if 1/5 to 1/4 of the people on the road werent there because they were at home working, the roads would be much nicer ;)


Good idea but may be a problem for me ;)

How about I always work from home then - keeps the ratio right. I dont mind doing my bit for the country :thumbs::lol:

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Everyone should work from home one or two days a week. See how much that lowers congestion. If you think about it, if 1/5 to 1/4 of the people on the road werent there because they were at home working, the roads would be much nicer ;)


Good idea but may be a problem for me ;)

How about I always work from home then - keeps the ratio right. I dont mind doing my bit for the country :thumbs::lol:


Sounds fair, I also only drive to work every 2 weeks so that kees the average down. ;):thumbs:

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Everyone should work from home one or two days a week. See how much that lowers congestion. If you think about it, if 1/5 to 1/4 of the people on the road werent there because they were at home working, the roads would be much nicer ;)


Good idea but may be a problem for me ;)

How about I always work from home then - keeps the ratio right. I dont mind doing my bit for the country :thumbs::lol:


I work from home too :thumbs:B)

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