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Trax tickets (please read)


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Mods please let me know if I can do this.


If anyone is wanting a ticket to Trax; there is a list here http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/96045-trax-2015-club-stand-price-update/page__st__140#entry1468570


We need at least 5 names down then 'hopefully' (not guaranteed) they will be able to get more spaces.


I'm putting it in this section because if you're using the tapatalk app like I am then the thread is hidden away an you may miss out.





That's what she 'Zed' :-/

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Tap talk users, use the 'recent content/activity tab.


I was bumping the trax thread regularly





On the iPhone mate it has the stickies right at the top (which is a good thing), but it's in its own separate folder if you like. Believe it or not it's very easy to overlook when the new update for Tapatalk came (before you knew it was there).




I was checking up on the thread constantly and couldn't believe the wasn't a Japfest threat yet! Then I found the button!!!! Missed out on the club stand on both Japfest and Trax! Annoyed was an understatement lol. God damn updates haha


Got the hang of it now though..



That's what she 'Zed' :-/

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I know what you're saying bud,

But my tip is to use the unread section.

As when anyone adds a comment to a thread it goes to the top of the list. So for major events they're usually quite popular and end up near the top of the list.

Just an idea for the future.







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