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engine blown


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Hi I recently got a 350z and unfortunately after a trip to the garage last week have been told engine is on its way out, does anyone know a good reliable place to bye and have a new engine installed as heard lots off horror storeys about some places any help would be brill thanks

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CMS, zmanalex, Falcon performance can all get you engines or you can take a punt at eBay.

Where to get it fitted will depend on where you live unless you are prepared to travel.

If you are lucky to live around Bournemouth you can speak with the boys at the zed shed who have been golden helping member with refitting engines.

Goodluck with this.

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Hi they just said that it looks like the person who had it before me had not been putting the wright oil in it or if any at some points I've had it for 3 months and have topped it up the apperntly to little to late she still runs but sometimes get white smelly smoke hence taking to garage. I fort might be as I haven't driven enough only done 210 since had z. And tbh I would travel to get a decent job done I'm based in stevenage. Z still is drivable at moment and was a private bye so no warranty my fault as I should off had a inspection but was to excited off getting z

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White smoke is usually failed head gasket. This is easy to check or test. Do you noticed mayonnaise oil or contaminated coolant? Is the car loosing coolant? Or using oil a lot?

Other cause of white, whitish or whitish blue smoke could be:

Failed valve stem seals

Worn piston rings

Failed pcv valve

Overfilling oil


A more detailed description of when the smoke comes, eg start up vs high load vs permanent? And the above questions.

Any proper garage or mechanic should be able to test and isolate the issue quickly and confirm the exact diagnisis.

Is your car manual or auto btw? What year/mileage?

Edited by GT4 Zed
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They just said it would cost to much to bother and I should scrap car, but there is no way I'm going to scrap the z and smokes when I start and then at hight revs. Found a place could globle engines that other a engine change for £2495 but have read mixed reviews.i am going to pop to a 2nd garage tho to see what they say.

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  On 31/03/2015 at 08:40, octet@TORQEN said:


Please tell me you're not born and raised in this country and you only just landed here last week :(


That was uncalled for, he's already apologised for the spelling and grammar, give him a break.

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Sorry to hear that Spudy :( should be a time of enjoying your new purchase....not having this major problem. Shop around, take advice from the guys on here for possible replacement and where to go for fitting...wishing you and your Z the very best outcome

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  On 02/04/2015 at 15:47, spudy said:

Hi keep trying to upload a picture but for some reason won't let me.

Z is 04 grey,18 sport wheels brembo breaks and black leather interior FC04.


Sign up to photobucket, you can install it on your phone as well, far easier imho :thumbs:

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