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  On 31/03/2015 at 20:05, SuperStu said:
  On 31/03/2015 at 19:13, docwra said:

TBH I dont know why we dont do that already, most of the rest of Europe will not pay benefit until youve worked for 3/6 months, I believe the Torys are including something along those lines in their manifesto.


Probably because it's a bit of a myth they come here to sponge.


Immigrants to the UK since 2000 have made a "substantial" contribution to public finances, a report says. The study by University College London said recent immigrants were less likely to claim benefits and live in social housing than people born in Britain.


The authors said rather than being a "drain", their contribution had been "remarkably strong".

The government said it was right to have strict rules in place to help protect the benefits system.


Immigrants who arrived after 1999 were 45% less likely to receive state benefits or tax credits than UK natives in the period 2000-2011, according to the report by Prof Christian Dustmann and Dr Tommaso Frattini from UCL's Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration.


They were also 3% less likely to live in social housing.


"These differences are partly explainable by immigrants' more favourable age-gender composition.

However, even when compared to natives with the same age, gender composition, and education, recent immigrants are still 21% less likely than natives to receive benefits," the authors say.


'Highly-educated immigrants'


Those from the European Economic Area (EEA - the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) had made a particularly positive contribution in the decade up to 2011, contributing 34% more in taxes than they received in benefits.


"Given this evidence, claims about 'benefit tourism' by EEA immigrants seem to be disconnected from reality.


Immigrants from outside the EEA contributed 2% more in taxes than they received in the same period, the report showed.


Over the same period, British people paid 11% less in tax than they received.


So what your saying Is, if the immigrants who dont work and claim benefits werent here, we would be even better off :) Check :) So we all agree, if your an immigrant and work and pay into the system, fill your boots, if your not, no thanks, we dont want you basically just about averaging out the hard working ones :)

Edited by Jetpilot
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  On 31/03/2015 at 20:38, WhackyWill said:

Just to add my small input to this as a non political animal.


Most Immigrants whether they are from another Continent or Europe


don't spend much of their earnings in the UK, they send it home to where ever


they come from. :surrender:


The article is about tax income derived from immigrants versus benefits they recieve, so it really doesn't matter what they do with their disposable income, after tax, they still generate income into the treasury.


Obviously as they are shape shifting immigrants they don't have to buy food, pay for utilities, pay rent, pay for transport or any of the other things we all have to spend money on to live and work, so they "don't spend much of thier earnings in the uk, they send it home to where ever".


Also, it's based on verifiable stats, not from the WW book of anecdotes and superstitions :lol:

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  On 31/03/2015 at 20:30, Jetpilot said:
  On 31/03/2015 at 20:05, SuperStu said:
  On 31/03/2015 at 19:13, docwra said:

TBH I dont know why we dont do that already, most of the rest of Europe will not pay benefit until youve worked for 3/6 months, I believe the Torys are including something along those lines in their manifesto.


Probably because it's a bit of a myth they come here to sponge.


Immigrants to the UK since 2000 have made a "substantial" contribution to public finances, a report says. The study by University College London said recent immigrants were less likely to claim benefits and live in social housing than people born in Britain.


The authors said rather than being a "drain", their contribution had been "remarkably strong".

The government said it was right to have strict rules in place to help protect the benefits system.


Immigrants who arrived after 1999 were 45% less likely to receive state benefits or tax credits than UK natives in the period 2000-2011, according to the report by Prof Christian Dustmann and Dr Tommaso Frattini from UCL's Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration.


They were also 3% less likely to live in social housing.


"These differences are partly explainable by immigrants' more favourable age-gender composition.

However, even when compared to natives with the same age, gender composition, and education, recent immigrants are still 21% less likely than natives to receive benefits," the authors say.


'Highly-educated immigrants'


Those from the European Economic Area (EEA - the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) had made a particularly positive contribution in the decade up to 2011, contributing 34% more in taxes than they received in benefits.


"Given this evidence, claims about 'benefit tourism' by EEA immigrants seem to be disconnected from reality.


Immigrants from outside the EEA contributed 2% more in taxes than they received in the same period, the report showed.


Over the same period, British people paid 11% less in tax than they received.


So what your saying Is, if the immigrants who dont work and claim benefits werent here, we would be even better off :) Check :) So we all agree, if your an immigrant and work and pay into the system, fill your boots, if your not, no thanks, we dont want you basically just about averaging out the hard working ones :)


What I'm saying is the UK is in better position with immigration than it is without.


If you wanted to examine how we "would be even better off :) Check " you can throw in not just the benefit claimaint immigrants, but also the uk claimants of benefits, disabled people, pensioners, the terminally ill - hell they all cost a fortune so we'd be "better off" without them.


Obviously that's Ionly if you only count "better off" in money.

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Except for contributing towards the economy by allowing business to carry on as usual, therefore generating taxable profits.


Still, it's a drop in the ocean. I'm far more concerned about Nicola Sturgeon using Wallace as her lap dog than I am a few dodgy immigrants.


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  SuperStu said:
  On 31/03/2015 at 20:30, Jetpilot said:
  On 31/03/2015 at 20:05, SuperStu said:
  On 07/09/1974 at 23:40, docwra said:

TBH I dont know why we dont do that already, most of the rest of Europe will not pay benefit until youve worked for 3/6 months, I believe the Torys are including something along those lines in their manifesto.


Probably because it's a bit of a myth they come here to sponge.


Immigrants to the UK since 2000 have made a "substantial" contribution to public finances, a report says. The study by University College London said recent immigrants were less likely to claim benefits and live in social housing than people born in Britain.


The authors said rather than being a "drain", their contribution had been "remarkably strong".

The government said it was right to have strict rules in place to help protect the benefits system.


Immigrants who arrived after 1999 were 45% less likely to receive state benefits or tax credits than UK natives in the period 2000-2011, according to the report by Prof Christian Dustmann and Dr Tommaso Frattini from UCL's Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration.


They were also 3% less likely to live in social housing.


"These differences are partly explainable by immigrants' more favourable age-gender composition.

However, even when compared to natives with the same age, gender composition, and education, recent immigrants are still 21% less likely than natives to receive benefits," the authors say.


'Highly-educated immigrants'


Those from the European Economic Area (EEA - the EU plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) had made a particularly positive contribution in the decade up to 2011, contributing 34% more in taxes than they received in benefits.


"Given this evidence, claims about 'benefit tourism' by EEA immigrants seem to be disconnected from reality.


Immigrants from outside the EEA contributed 2% more in taxes than they received in the same period, the report showed.


Over the same period, British people paid 11% less in tax than they received.


So what your saying Is, if the immigrants who dont work and claim benefits werent here, we would be even better off :) Check :) So we all agree, if your an immigrant and work and pay into the system, fill your boots, if your not, no thanks, we dont want you basically just about averaging out the hard working ones :)


What I'm saying is the UK is in better position with immigration than it is without.


If you wanted to examine how we "would be even better off :) Check " you can throw in not just the benefit claimaint immigrants, but also the uk claimants of benefits, disabled people, pensioners, the terminally ill - hell they all cost a fortune so we'd be "better off" without them.


Obviously that's Ionly if you only count "better off" in money.


As said, the whole welfare system needs a shake up and theoretically yes we would be better off without pensioners, terminally Ill, disabled, but they may well have already paid into the system and are British so are entitled to be supported by their own country, basically speaking.


I wont disagree as said either, about the country being better off because of hard working Immigrants, but you shouldnt just be able to come here and just start receiving hand outs, we just cant afford It, cuts are being made everywhere because we dont have the cash.


Its a hot topic in this country, however bad ukip might be, their popularity is only due to their, extreme to be fair, immigration policy, as none of the other parties seem to want address it, perhaps until now with what the tories are outlining.


We need to get our house In oder before we carry on inviting people to stay in it.

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Well people will certainly get their wish as the whole welfare system is getting a shake up, Universal Credit, the bill is an alleged £12.8 billion (against a £2 billion budget), which funnily enough won't be confirmed until after the election result comes in.


They're not even April's Fools figures :lol:

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  On 28/03/2015 at 09:46, spursmaddave said:

Anyway I won't be voting, never have done and doubt I ever will, for me it makes no difference who is in power, politics & religion are both of no interest


Stuff like this boils my ****! I bet you'd be 'interested' if the state made you pay 60% income tax, doubled the cost of petrol and made you pray three times a day. Politics impacts everything.

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  On 01/04/2015 at 08:04, Commander said:
  On 28/03/2015 at 09:46, spursmaddave said:

Anyway I won't be voting, never have done and doubt I ever will, for me it makes no difference who is in power, politics & religion are both of no interest


Stuff like this boils my ****! I bet you'd be 'interested' if the state made you pay 60% income tax, doubled the cost of petrol and made you pray three times a day. Politics impacts everything.


You don't think these idiots really run the country do you?

All this parliament stuff is just a public front, so I doubt whoever you vote for, really makes much difference.

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  On 01/04/2015 at 09:03, 350zedd said:

You don't think these idiots really run the country do you?

All this parliament stuff is just a public front, so I doubt whoever you vote for, really makes much difference.


Frankly speaking Im glad someone with opinions like that doesnt vote.


Anyway, as far as immigrants, benefit fraud and everything else goes, its all a fallacy:


The UK government estimates that total fraud across the whole of the economy amounts to £73 billion a year. UK government figures for 2012 estimate benefits overpaid due to fraud is £1.2 billion and tax credit fraud is £380 million. So just under £1.6 billion in total; less than 1% of the overall benefits and tax credits expenditure and less than benefits underpaid and overpaid due to error, and the vast majority of these will be in pension fraud.


The biggest problem UK welfare faces as a whole at the moment is the changes that have been made to sickness benefit, apparently to reduce these "huge" fraud figures that dont actually exist, people are dying daily because essential benefit has been arbitrarily cut, sure, they can appeal but the benefit isnt given back until they win the appeal, many starve or commit suicide in the meantime ............ and yet none of the parties have mentioned this as it doesnt win as many votes as being "tough on benefit fraud", a problem that doesnt actually exist ......

Edited by docwra
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  On 31/03/2015 at 22:57, Ekona said:

Except for contributing towards the economy by allowing business to carry on as usual, therefore generating taxable profits.


Still, it's a drop in the ocean. I'm far more concerned about Nicola Sturgeon using Wallace as her lap dog than I am a few dodgy immigrants.


Massive +1, scarier than the monster under my bed!

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  On 01/04/2015 at 09:03, 350zedd said:
  On 01/04/2015 at 08:04, Commander said:
  On 28/03/2015 at 09:46, spursmaddave said:

Anyway I won't be voting, never have done and doubt I ever will, for me it makes no difference who is in power, politics & religion are both of no interest


Stuff like this boils my ****! I bet you'd be 'interested' if the state made you pay 60% income tax, doubled the cost of petrol and made you pray three times a day. Politics impacts everything.


You don't think these idiots really run the country do you?

All this parliament stuff is just a public front, so I doubt whoever you vote for, really makes much difference.


It's all here, in So I Married An Axe Murderer.


The Pentaveret


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So, tried this website twice now and taptalk crashed the first time, right at the end, so tried it in safari and safari reloaded the page cause there was a problem, right at the flippin end!


Is it worth, a third attempt?!?




Plus, the website has a very american look and feel to it with the dark blue and american news network font for the text with three dots? Anyone else see this or am i finally cracking up?

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Dave didn't come out well when debating, but handled the heckler very well. Also, his speeches were the best of the night.


Ed creeped me out by staring at the camera all the time, and put your bloody hand down!


Nick was excellent throughout, and that's why he got votes last time.


Nicola was okay, but with a consistent ME ME ME SCOTLAAAAAAND all the way you know she's going to screw the rest of the UK.


Leanne is a bit of a MILF. I wish I was Welsh to vote for her :cloud9: She was pretty good, actually.


Natalie came across as a complete nutter with no ideas, which is what she is. And she looks like Gollum.


Nigel sadly didn't shine as I'd hoped. Picked a bad topic on HIV, even if he is correct, and came back to immigration too often.

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  On 02/04/2015 at 21:10, Ekona said:

Dave didn't come out well when debating, but handled the heckler very well. Also, his speeches were the best of the night.


Ed creeped me out by staring at the camera all the time, and put your bloody hand down!


Nick was excellent throughout, and that's why he got votes last time.


Nicola was okay, but with a consistent ME ME ME SCOTLAAAAAAND all the way you know she's going to screw the rest of the UK.


Leanne is a bit of a MILF. I wish I was Welsh to vote for her :cloud9: She was pretty good, actually.


Natalie came across as a complete nutter with no ideas, which is what she is. And she looks like Gollum.


Nigel sadly didn't shine as I'd hoped. Picked a bad topic on HIV, even if he is correct, and came back to immigration too often.


That's about how I saw it too Dan. Well apart from the Leanne bit. She doesn't do it for me. I did say to the missus to watch what Ed was doing, "Here's my answer to you Trevor". Two seconds looking at Trevor, then "This is what Im saying to you at home", cue staring straight down the camera lens again. Freaky.

Nigel did bring a smile to my face a couple of times, but as you say, he didn't really shine tonight.

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Nicola Sturgeon clear winner to me, if she'd have been SNP leader instead of the smug Salmond , Scotland would have been independent by now.


Nigel Farage, well he put a smile on my face, did fairly well.


Ed and Dave, uninspiring, treated the whole thing like PMQ's.


Nick Clegg, he always comes over as a reasonable likeable chap, did well but will suffer at the polls


Leanne Woods, Welsh windbag but did better than I thought.


Natalie Bennet, well, felt a bit sorry for her, a bit out of her depth.



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  On 26/03/2015 at 22:54, ATTAK Z said:
  On 26/03/2015 at 22:53, ATTAK Z said:

Don't know but millipede comes across as a complete ........... answers a question and then turns away from the questioner as if to say 'your question was good but I've answered it without breaking sweat' ... he's a dick IMO


I've met his brother who is 100 times the man he is ... again in my opinion

I haven't changed my mind since I posted this ^^^^^^^^

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