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Flexi Replacment


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Done a few of these now and have been asked what the best way to do it is - I have no idea :blush:



However here is how I get from here





to here






This is not a standard 350z Y pipe but it applies the same to all of them and a 370z and any other zorst come to that.



First thing is to get some new Flexis of the right size - preferably ones that will go just over or just inside the original pipe but don't go to small or to big a tight fit is what you want :)





Got mine from a local supplier and they are to tight but the closest thing they had so.........



OK So the hardest thing about this is making sure the Y pipe is the same length and orientation when you finish as it was when you started,


I use a metal sheet and tack weld the two ends on and either mark or weld a stop bar at the single end -







then I remove the damaged bits







take out one side then tack in it's replacement




repeat for the other side




then finish the weld all the way round




Hope it helps someone :):thumbs:

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