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Clarkson suspended by the BBC..!!


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  On 11/03/2015 at 07:34, glrnet said:
  On 11/03/2015 at 07:28, sipar69 said:
  On 11/03/2015 at 06:26, The Bounty Bar Kid said:

Irrespective of he's stinking rich or not, he's entertaining to many and he makes the show complete. Those three have got a great on screen slapstick persona. Two people have mentioned his wealth. Does it matter?


The question is not whether his wealth 'matters' it's whether it influences his behaviour. I'd be willing to bet that one of the reasons he felt able to behave in a way that most of us wouldn't dream of at work is because the consequences for him would not be the same as they would for us. If I punch someone at work I get the sack. If I get the sack that has a major impact on my life because I lose my income. If I'm a millionaire I don't have to worry about that.

The sad part is that 150,000 people who think it's alright to punch someone have signed a petition to have him reinstated. Oh dear.


I am just catching up on the whole 'fracas' and yes I was astonished that so many people signed a petition to get it back on without any idea of why it was taken off in the first place. Just, stupid really.


I think the BBC have made the right call if he did indeed hit someone, he has stepped right on the line enough times and had plenty of warnings, he was on a last warning, and didn't adhere to that.


As much as he brings that entertainment angle to the programme for some people (personally I just don't find him funny, all his stuff is scripted by other people he is just reading it back, probably why when he goes off piste with comments there just isnt the brain power there to be clever about what he says or does) they have to make a call on whether he stays and generally the BBC being the type of business they are have to be sensitive to the majority of the people whose licence fees pay for the show, the majority are not hardcore Top Gear fans although there are plenty of them.


I say let the truth come out and then make a call on it, if he has overstepped the line, hit people, then that accounts to gross misconduct and is a sackable offence, I dont see why it should be treated otherwise?

Edited by coldel
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Now here's another slant on this as posted on a mates facebook page

Actually Sandy said something quite insightful this morning, if Jeremy is locked into a contract with the BBC, what's the easiest way to get out of one? Gross misconduct. Maybe there is a Sky deal awaiting round the corner?
Edited by Steve Burns
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Its not that easy though is it? What does he do when he moves to Sky? Makes a motoring programme? But it wont be Top Gear. What makes Clarkson is him + Top Gear, Clarkson is a one trick pony (can you see him presenting anything other than some satirical motoring show?) yes Sky could create a programme but it will simply split the Top Gear fan base I would suspect.

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How could there possibly be a petition Already, given no one knows the context of the suspension???


Not having a go at you WW, just the general level of idiocy out there. That suggests there are people who think he should keep his job, totally regardless of any action he may or may not have taken.


Stop the world, I want to get off.

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  On 11/03/2015 at 08:19, Jetpilot said:
  On 10/03/2015 at 22:25, sipar69 said:

He appeals to forty-something thickos who can't quite get to grips with the fact that racism and misogyny is no longer acceptable.


How utterly hypocritical that you feel its completely acceptable for you to air your derogatory comments on the "forty something thickos" etc but not ok for him to air his views, which he hasnt by the way, just sailed close to the wind with comments that have self righteous people like you leaping to your moral high ground.


Let me point out, i am not the least bit offended by being a 40 something thicko etc, in fact for the very reason above i think its quite laughable, i love freedom of speech and if thats what you think, fill your boots, but dont be so quick to have your say and condemn others for doing the same.


Four words to rearrange:


Cup, in, tea, storm ;)


You've admirably proved my point and missed 'the' point with your hysterical post. If you think that punching a work colleague amounts to a storm in a teacup I'm glad I don't work with you!

Edited by sipar69
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  On 11/03/2015 at 10:37, Ekona said:

Shock news: The general public are idiots.



In other news, grass green and sky blue.


You're dead right Dan, I had a moment where I forgot this!!!


"I'm absolutely outraged at this shocking treatment of the Top Gear talent. I have no idea what went on, how serious it was or if it breaches any behavioural standards and frankly I don't need to know. I know I enjoy Clarkson's straight-talking-tells-it-how-it-is-not-pc-gone-mad "style". Since the last known instance of Clarkson being funny was in 1998, I totally support his new approach of flirting with offence as a substitute for humour, but chicken-shittedly actually refusing to say something properly offensive - see bridge slope incident."


- Outraged of Tory Stronghold, Home Counties.



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Seems a bit like the 'OMG there's going to be no page 3 anymore!! I must buy the last one!!' *day later* oh it's back, surprise surprise, another publicity stunt.


As previously said, all three presenters wouldn't be making jokes if he genuinely did 'punch' someone. As far as I'm aware the closest thing that's been alleged to be a punch is that the BBC said he had aimed one. Bit suspicious how they won't comment any further (whilst they wait for everyone to jump on the new story, then air the show as normal with double the viewing figures)


Even bad publicity is publicity, publicity = money...



Edited by Mikey Thompson
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hmmm unfortunately I had the misfortune to read that article... however, thanks for the link as it lead to this far better article by Steve Coogan, which neatly sums up my views on topgear and the completely unnecessary racial slurs, which aren't funny and don't add anything to the show.




I like top gear and I hope it carries on, this current series has been very enjoyable for the most part. however I would like it if they did away with the racial stereotypes, it is getting very old.


And also the blame lies with BBC, sure Clarkson and co are the ones saying the lines, but the show is not broadcast live - the editors should be saying 'hmmm, that didn't really work - lets cut that from the broadcast'


I don't blame Clarkson for saying 'slope' for example - he's just an actor, he's given lines to say and he says them. The BBC shouldn't have given him the lines in the first place, or tried it, decided its not very funny and simply edited it out. same with Clarkson mumbling 'nigger' while reciting a rhyme - in that case the producers rightly decided not to air it, but the footage was leaked anyway.

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Unfortunately today, we all have to be POLITICALLY CORRECT, so unfortunately gone is the humour we could enjoy, only allowed to think and not say what we feel, otherwise are in danger of having our collar felt. Hard to believe what I grew up with in the earlier years are now totally unacceptable to repeat. Still on the other note, lets hope they air Japfest edition at some stage. C'mon Jezza, were all rooting for you. :) :) :)

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  On 11/03/2015 at 12:01, veilside z said:

Unfortunately today, we all have to be POLITICALLY CORRECT, so unfortunately gone is the humour we could enjoy, only allowed to think and not say what we feel, otherwise are in danger of having our collar felt. Hard to believe what I grew up with in the earlier years are now totally unacceptable to repeat. Still on the other note, lets hope they air Japfest edition at some stage. C'mon Jezza, were all rooting for you. :) :) :)

  On 11/03/2015 at 11:53, brillomaster said:

hmmm unfortunately I had the misfortune to read that article... however, thanks for the link as it lead to this far better article by Steve Coogan, which neatly sums up my views on topgear and the completely unnecessary racial slurs, which aren't funny and don't add anything to the show.




I like top gear and I hope it carries on, this current series has been very enjoyable for the most part. however I would like it if they did away with the racial stereotypes, it is getting very old.


And also the blame lies with BBC, sure Clarkson and co are the ones saying the lines, but the show is not broadcast live - the editors should be saying 'hmmm, that didn't really work - lets cut that from the broadcast'


I don't blame Clarkson for saying 'slope' for example - he's just an actor, he's given lines to say and he says them. The BBC shouldn't have given him the lines in the first place, or tried it, decided its not very funny and simply edited it out. same with Clarkson mumbling 'nigger' while reciting a rhyme - in that case the producers rightly decided not to air it, but the footage was leaked anyway.


Yeah. Very good article by Coogan.




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The thing is, amongst close friends and in private you can be as un PC as you want, but at work, and in public environments you should be a bit more mindful of your behaviour, regardless of what your moral compass says. Heck the best comedians skirt the line of decency all the time.


That said, I don't believe any of his behaviour has been purposefully done to hurt or offend people - it is a generational thing, some people just don't realise what they do/say is necessarily bad/wrong. I know I've made faux pas in the past but my intention was never to go out to upset people. Okay, ignorance is no alibi, but surely the BBC have editors that allow them to tweak was is shown, so surely they should be held accountable too?

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Hes a famous, and hes a famous thats known for being outspoken and badly behaved. See also Dan Bilzerian, Russell Brand, Christian Bale, Jason Plato, Downey Jr, Charlie Sheen, Pete Docherty ...........even Bieber was trying to get in on the act at one point, the list is endless. and it didnt do any of those guys carers any harm.


The public love a badboy, simple as that. If Beeb sack him off, he still has £50m int he bank and Sky will fall over themselves to get him on board, I dont see what the fuss is about.

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  On 11/03/2015 at 10:42, sipar69 said:
  On 11/03/2015 at 08:19, Jetpilot said:
  On 10/03/2015 at 22:25, sipar69 said:

He appeals to forty-something thickos who can't quite get to grips with the fact that racism and misogyny is no longer acceptable.


How utterly hypocritical that you feel its completely acceptable for you to air your derogatory comments on the "forty something thickos" etc but not ok for him to air his views, which he hasnt by the way, just sailed close to the wind with comments that have self righteous people like you leaping to your moral high ground.


Let me point out, i am not the least bit offended by being a 40 something thicko etc, in fact for the very reason above i think its quite laughable, i love freedom of speech and if thats what you think, fill your boots, but dont be so quick to have your say and condemn others for doing the same.


Four words to rearrange:


Cup, in, tea, storm ;)


You've admirably proved my point and missed 'the' point with your hysterical post. If you think that punching a work colleague amounts to a storm in a teacup I'm glad I don't work with you!


Thank you for taking the time to read not two posts after where i clearly say, i do not condone violence!!!! Till we all know the exact story, best not jump on the media bandwagon like you and start preaching about violence, racial hatred etc etc If he hit someone, he should be fired, simple!


There is nothing hysterical about my post either, its pretty simple, you think its ok for you to be slanderous and air an opinion (40 something thickos) but not him, the subject matter is irrelevant. It certainly isnt some inane rantings because of your hatred for JC like your post, your entitled to your opinion, him his, just because you dont like it because it "offends" you, who cares, far more important things to worry about in the world and if the minority stopped being so bl**dy self righteous the world would be a better place, each to their own :)


Find a crusade which actually matters!

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