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The Zed Shed Part Deux Build still going


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry not been keeping up with the updates :sorry:


So while Mr James has been sunning himself we thought we should crack on with a few bits :thumbs:


Out with the plans




Hmm looks complicated - let's get Busters opinion -




Not much help there then


Lets start putting some bars in the hole




Then we got the brains of the operation involved :thumbs:


Mrs K had it sussed in no time and soon we had built this









then some more concrete




and more




A bit more re-bar





2 coffins






Could they be for me and Buster???





could they be for ............




Link - http://www.automotec...e-scissor-lift/


Only time will tell ;)


Then onto some sand blinding






More in a mo ..........................

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Anyone heard of Legoland?


Well we have built Re-Bar World :)






That is layer 1 and when the concrete gets to 200mm thick we lay this lot




then another 50mm of concrete giving 2 layers of re-bar mesh and 250mm (10") of C35 concrete !!! OMG yes you could stand a tank on this floor!!!


Me and Andy had a killer day today laying that lot in the back garden and tomorrow we are going for a continuous pour of 105 square meters with an additional 36 square meter pour for the entrance,


That's an estimated 30 cubic meters of concrete so the pump is back on site at 7:30AM and the we have 3 x 17 ton trucks booked to keep the pump fed 1st one empty's then goes for a refill while the other 2 feed the pump - 2nd one may have to refill as well :scare:


Pics to follow if anyone is left standing after tomorrow


Then the really hard bit - Paying the bill :scare::scare:


Friday - No sack Friday we are not doing anything on Friday :lol:



Keyser and the Zed Shed Crew.

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Anyone heard of Legoland?


Well we have built Re-Bar World :)






That is layer 1 and when the concrete gets to 200mm thick we lay this lot




then another 50mm of concrete giving 2 layers of re-bar mesh and 250mm (10") of C35 concrete !!! OMG yes you could stand a tank on this floor!!!


Me and Andy had a killer day today laying that lot in the back garden and tomorrow we are going for a continuous pour of 105 square meters with an additional 36 square meter pour for the entrance,


That's an estimated 30 cubic meters of concrete so the pump is back on site at 7:30AM and the we have 3 x 17 ton trucks booked to keep the pump fed 1st one empty's then goes for a refill while the other 2 feed the pump - 2nd one may have to refill as well :scare:


Pics to follow if anyone is left standing after tomorrow


Then the really hard bit - Paying the bill :scare::scare:


Friday - No sack Friday we are not doing anything on Friday :lol:



Keyser and the Zed Shed Crew.

Great progress today mate,god my backs killing me!

Just booked a couple of once in a lifetime cheap Ryair flights 3am departure....Sorry

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Great progress today mate,god my backs killing me!

Just booked a couple of once in a lifetime cheap Ryair flights 3am departure....Sorry



:lol: Andy, Fly with Ryan Airline? Behave :lol: He wouldn't even let his Pet Hamster fly with Ryan airline, besides I bet they don't even do 1st Class :lol:

Although that would explain the 'once in a life time' :p



@Chris, I first thought the Scissor ramps were Diving Boards :lol:

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What a day we had :)


The bank balance took a hiding but 41.5 Cubic meters of concrete about 70 tons :scare: went in today and it looked something like this -


New bit of drive




The garage floor




Then an afternoon polishing 105 Sq Meters








that's it for a week while we let it all dry so more next week :thumbs:


Keyser and the Zed Shed Crew

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Apparently is going to be the 3rd biggest building in the world, after the Pentagon in USA and Parliament House in Romania.



Only the foundations - the garage is quite small really - honest

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you do know that the correct curing time for reinforced concrete is 30 days don't you :boxing::blush:


Curing before what? It will be 2 months before I move in (handy as it needs 2 months before painting) but you don't have to wait 30 days to build the walls or the roof :)

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Chris, there is only one word for it ....insane :lol: :lol: :lol:


Not sure if that describes the sheer size of this "garage" which looks like it could house my home AND your cars

or if it describes the amazing work rate - when you get going there appears nothing to stop you - great work

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As promised we are back on the build, I recon the Egyptians could throw up one of them pyramids in less time - Mind you they didn't have Wessex Water to contend with :wacko:

I can just see the BI asking the pharaoh to hold on while they check the Nile drainage plan they would soon have him sacrificed to the gods :lol:


Anyway Andy was back on site today and we already have doors :yahoo: :yahoo:





Now he just needs to catch up with the walls :lol:






I know it's not quite conventional but we are reusing doors and windows from the house refurb and they are already glazed so we thought we would just build them in as we go :thumbs:


Just bumped out 3 packs of concrete blocks so Andy has plenty to get on with in the morning.



The best bit is we are actually building above ground level now :yahoo:


Keyser and The Zed Shed Crew

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