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North, south, which is best?


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I am still, unbelievably, trying to decide where to live and making no headway whatsoever :( So far I have looked at Surrey, Dorset, Hampshire, Sussex and Suffolk. I am off to Kent in a couple of weeks when Mr Twobears gets back from Spain to see if I like it there. All the places I've visited have their good and bad points but I am not getting 'the feeling', you know the one you get when something feels 'right' :dry: I have even started looking again at houses in East Yorkshire where my current house is located even though I said I wanted to move from Yorkshire. What is wrong with me? I am normally pretty decisive but now it seems I have had a personality transplant and can't come to a decision at all :blush:


Maybe I should throw the question open to the forum and let you lot decide where I live? Please don't all rush to warn me off living within 20 miles of the town where you live :lol:

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You are right Graham but the trouble is, I've not had 'the feeling' anywhere at all. When I bought my current house I fell in love with it before I was halfway up the path. I keep having nightmares that Mr Twobears has bought a house without telling me and I wake up feeling really depressed because I hate the house. Obviously that won't happen but why am I not 'feeling the love' for any house or area? It's not normal :surrender:

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other things to consider...


where do you actually work?!? that normally dictates where people live...

who do you like to visit? proximity to family and friends is often quite important.

where do you like to go on holiday?


and lastly, the weather is often better down south - a lot less snow, and often less rain and wind.

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brillomaster, I don't work at the moment but am going back to Yorkshire soon so I can get back to my workshop and relaunch my business. Mr Twobears works in Weybridge/London but flies to europe for a week or two each month because the company is a global one so he really needs to be able to get to Heathrow. The flat we are renting in Weybridge is ideal for him but I am slowly going crazy because I need (for my sanity) to start work again. I've been the dutiful company wife for nearly 18 months but I don't think I can cope with it much longer :( Being a lady who lunches sounds great in theory but I am so bored it's untrue, even though I have a good social life. I think I am just one of life's grafters but I need a workshop and plenty of storage for my particular line of work and I don't have that here in Weybridge nor any hope of obtaining it.


I visit my parents in Leicestershire but I have lived a hundred or more miles from them all my adult life so that's not really a consideration. Most of my friends are in East Yorkshire as that is where I have lived longest and my horse is still in E Yorks along with my daughter who is at agric college.


We go on holiday all over the UK , europe or the states.


Agree that the weather is better down south, normally two degrees warmer here than in Yorkshire :teeth:

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sounds to me like you need to move back to Yorkshire! its where all your friends are, where daughter is, where workshop and horse are, then it sounds like Yorkshire is the place to be. Can your husband fly from Manchester airport for work?


And why do you want to move from Yorkshire?

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It is a tough one, trying to work out where you 'might' feel right, we thought Windsor might be a good place to settle down (for whatever reason I cant remember!) and nearly bought a place there but in the end decided to rent, we moved out 8 months later and never looked back...


It is tough I find being cut off from a support network, and it takes years to build one up from scratch. Having lived all over the place that was the thing I struggled with the most. Even moving in with my to be wife in north London back in 2005 I felt really cut off from my friends in SW London!


Could you not live up north and hubby just use connecting flights from local airports to Heathrow - if he is away for periods of time the extra few hours travel time wont really impact him as much?


PS, clearly the south is the best btw just to put that argument to bed :lol:

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Yorkshire is pretty big, where have you looked so far?

I used to live in East Yorkshire but can't say it would be first choice of area.


Have you thought about Northumberland? Its not far away and well worth a look. Very easy to fall in love with i can assure you.

Or if that is too far north how about the Eden valley as its so close to the Lakes and easy to get to North Yorks?


Are you a city, town, village or country isolation sort of a person?

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West Wales would also be a terrible place to live


houses and commercial properties are disgustingly cheap, awful beaches (full of that golden sand stuff), where you can leave most things un-locked and open and still be there when you come back - more than likely with a disgusted letter saying that they've had to place your belongings in their own care, but here's a telephone number to come and collect it


I mean, who'd want to live like that :shrug:

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  On 17/02/2015 at 16:25, brillomaster said:

sounds to me like you need to move back to Yorkshire! its where all your friends are, where daughter is, where workshop and horse are, then it sounds like Yorkshire is the place to be. Can your husband fly from Manchester airport for work?


And why do you want to move from Yorkshire?


He can fly from Manchester but it is a bit of a pain to get there, whichever way method of transport he uses. He isn't looking forward to staying in Surrey by himself because socialising with work colleagues is ok but talk invariably turns to work and he will miss the weekends together because we always eat out/go away etc. Not so much fun on your own and he can't come back to Yorkshire every weekend.


I wanted to move because I want a house with land for the horses and also because the nearest towns are not very nice. Where we live is nice but I am fed up of having to shop in the nearest towns and would rather go somewhere more attractive and with nicer shops.

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It would have to be the south for me, so far south in fact that we are currently considering New Zealand. Been North many a time, OH is from Norfolk/Scotland so lots of family up that way. Whenever we visit though we both agree we could never live up there, it's a combination of weather and a different pace of life. South of Oxford is about as north as I'd go. Bristol is nice....lived there for a while, traffic is a 'mare but good local airport. But that's me, and to be honest it sounds from your post that Yorkshire might be the place for you. In terms of the house, everywhere we've bought so far has been because I've had that special feeling about the house/location. Wouldn't buy without it, I think maybe you need to keep searching.....


Edit: apparently OH is from Norwich/Scotland LOL Norwich, Norfolk...same difference. Best I stay South, me thinks :)

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  On 17/02/2015 at 17:08, twobears said:
  On 17/02/2015 at 16:25, brillomaster said:

sounds to me like you need to move back to Yorkshire! its where all your friends are, where daughter is, where workshop and horse are, then it sounds like Yorkshire is the place to be. Can your husband fly from Manchester airport for work?


And why do you want to move from Yorkshire?


He can fly from Manchester but it is a bit of a pain to get there, whichever way method of transport he uses. He isn't looking forward to staying in Surrey by himself because socialising with work colleagues is ok but talk invariably turns to work and he will miss the weekends together because we always eat out/go away etc. Not so much fun on your own and he can't come back to Yorkshire every weekend.


I wanted to move because I want a house with land for the horses and also because the nearest towns are not very nice. Where we live is nice but I am fed up of having to shop in the nearest towns and would rather go somewhere more attractive and with nicer shops.


Pop down to Richmond! The Surrey one, not the Yorkshire one of course ;)

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Singapore :scare: I don't do heat :surrender:


I love North Wales and go every year at least but not so familiar with the rest of Wales. Think it would be too far from London for us though but sure there are some lovely places. Northumberland is also too far off the beaten track but, again, very nice.

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  On 17/02/2015 at 17:08, twobears said:
  On 17/02/2015 at 16:25, brillomaster said:

sounds to me like you need to move back to Yorkshire! its where all your friends are, where daughter is, where workshop and horse are, then it sounds like Yorkshire is the place to be. Can your husband fly from Manchester airport for work?


And why do you want to move from Yorkshire?


He can fly from Manchester but it is a bit of a pain to get there, whichever way method of transport he uses. He isn't looking forward to staying in Surrey by himself because socialising with work colleagues is ok but talk invariably turns to work and he will miss the weekends together because we always eat out/go away etc. Not so much fun on your own and he can't come back to Yorkshire every weekend.


I wanted to move because I want a house with land for the horses and also because the nearest towns are not very nice. Where we live is nice but I am fed up of having to shop in the nearest towns and would rather go somewhere more attractive and with nicer shops.

Actually villages around Reading/Oxford (Bradfield, Pangbourne, Goring, Streatley to name a few) are quite nice. It's quite horsey round here, lots of places with fields & workshops. It takes me just over an hour to Weybridge (Aldestone) from my house. Reading has fantastic train and coach connections to Heathrow....worth looking at, maybe??

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I will take a look at Richmond (southern variety), ha ha. The northern one isn't too bad either from what I can remember.


I think my decision might be made easier if I felt 'southern' or 'northern' myself. Mr Twobears is Yorkshire through and through but I have lived in the south, north and midlands so feel a bit 'rootless' really :blush:

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KK1, I lived in and around Reading for 3 years when I was at uni :thumbs: I wouldn't go back to Reading itself, especially since I got a ticket for accidentally going into a bus lane there a few weeks back :angry: It was dark and I didn't even know I'd done it until the fine came though.


I do like some of the villages in Berks though and it is one place we haven't seriously investigated yet.

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