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Passenger side dipped beam not working


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So I was driving home the other day as it was getting dark and noticed my passenger side dipped beam was not working. Main beam and sides still work as do the indicators etc. This side didn't have a wheel arch lining in which leads me to think of water damage? Could anyone shed some light because I have work Monday night and would rather not get pulled for one headlight working lol.


Thank you in advance!

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I'm assuming the fuses are ok? If so you may have damaged (fried) the ballast, i don't think they are fully sealed and with the wheel liner missing water has probably got in.


Also check to see if there is voltage at the bulb connector with a multi meter

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Yeah that's what I was thinking. Is the ballast easy to replace/non expensive? Lol. Will teach me for not putting it back in.. Need to find somewhere that sells one and get it asap. Afraid Nissan may be getting a call Monday morning.. ££££

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I think we need to go back to the beginning - have you checked with a meter that there is supply voltage at the bulb connector, is the earth good, are you sure the fuses are good, did you "meter" them? And lastly are you postive the old bulbs are good?

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I haven't got a multi Meter to check them unfortunately. I will have to contact a friend to see if I can borrow his. The old bulbs were working perfectly fine when removed and have been sat in my room since.


Does anyone know exactly what fuses to check for the dipped beams? I just visually checked them all behind the battery.



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You sir are slowly but surely gaining beer points.. I shall give this a go at the weekend. Was a close one doing it before work yesterday 😂 And no it didn't come with a new igniter lead. Shall have a multi meter tomorrow so will use that at the weekend and hopefully get to the bottom of it! Hate electrics 😫

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