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British motorists could be stripped of licences under new EU laws


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Thank god the Tories will save us and ensure the legislation "never sees the light of day". They're a bloody good bunch aren't they, looking out for the common man and regular EU road tripper.


In no way did that story have any whiff of EU scaremongering and a Tory Party Political Broadcast, all rolled into one..


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Just being devils advocate and the article does state this although very briefly.... It's a two way street (pun intended) and if implemented will also mean foreign drivers commuting offences on british roads will have accountability too. There are an awful lot of left hand drive cars I see committing offences purely because it seems they are exempt from UK law.


I tend to agree with superstu its scaremongering and the title of this thread is misleading, they could be stripped of losing their license by commuting the same offences here.... No difference.

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