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Sorry if this is naive.


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You know how some music is all like, doo deee daaa waaa weee aahhh ummmm...


But then other music is all like, UNTER MMCHA ERRRRRRR QWENNNT ZZEERD BOOMKA


He means your wheels would be the second one. If they were music.


I think that clears it up :lol:

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I think a lot of people will suggest that wheels with low offsets are aggressive, because they will poke more and you'll have to camber them in to fit. However, the Zed has a pretty low offset of as standard compared to the +40 - +50mm of a lot of other cars out there. So, a wheel with +20mm may seem aggressive to some, but in fact is normal on the 350.


What offset were the wheels you were asking about?

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