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The woes of Louis


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Well i thought i would have a little vent.


Ive been looking at cars tonight as i am really missing the zed and toying about buying another one.


Here is my sarga...


Well you all know i am currently buying a house, this is now going through and i should be - touch wood - exchanging in about 4 weeks. I have a disposable income - after EVERYTHING is taken into consideration - of about £300. Now thats not enough to run a car, however when Sarah moves down next year, i will have a disposable income of about £600 a month. That to me is screaming GET A CAR AGAIN!! ARGH its so annoying, i am very impatient and miss having my car, however i need to be sensible. WHen she moves down, would you look to get a car as sums add up and it seems that all will be ok, however i am sure things will suprise me over the next few months as i have never lived on my own, plus i dont actually NEED the car, its just a weekend thing and its a lot of money for a toy. The other part of me is saying, you live once, what the hell, just do it. However the other side is saying, no its not needed, get a car with Sarah that you can both use practically as i have no need for a fun car.

Now you see my frustration, do i be a good boy and not spend the money or sod it, you live once, i should enjoy it!


Someone talk sense to me PLEASE!!!!!



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Once sarah moves in give it a good few months and see how things go. Like you say, your bound to have 1 or 2 hiccups along the way and some unexpected bills. Then i'd get a hot hatch of some sort, that way its practical for both of you to go the shops in but at the same time you can go for a blast in it whenever you feel like for some thrills.


I know how you feel though..it musn't help coming on here reading about people's cars and how their owning supra TT's and stuff ;)

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Once sarah moves in give it a good few months and see how things go. Like you say, your bound to have 1 or 2 hiccups along the way and some unexpected bills. Then i'd get a hot hatch of some sort, that way its practical for both of you to go the shops in but at the same time you can go for a blast in it whenever you feel like for some thrills.


I know how you feel though..it musn't help coming on here reading about people's cars and how their owning supra TT's and stuff ;)

Yeah i know mate, i jsut dont like hot hatches, if i was to do that, i would get a crappy little 4 seater run around and then spend the rest on a car, however sarah is getting a car next january, so there is always that as a sensible offer. Hence i can get a car to please me.


Dude i hate coming on here and seeing everyone and what they are doing, especially just seeing Danny's pics and how amazing it looks. I thought i would share my pain with you all :(

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Nah i'd still wait mate, at least until january to see how things go. You'll be finding your feet by then on your outgoings and more than likely you'll be spending more on the house to get it in shape and more like what you want. So that could eat into your budget. PLUS and its a big plus, you'll have sarah. If she isnt asking for something you'll be wanting to take her out for meals/shows etc.. so you'll have even less.


My advice would be wait until jan to see how things go, car prices will still be cheap by then, sarah will be getting a car so you'll have something to go shopping in and then you can get a sports car.


I'm sure you've thought about all this but its abit different when someone else is telling you. I hope ive given you food for thought anyway...


Danny's car looks great doesn't it! I miss my Zed too.. Just looking at properties online myself now :yawn::headhurt:


Share your pain all you want mate, thats what where here for. Me and others have had there fair share of rants, plus it gets your post count up :p

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Mate, I managed to break my spine in 3 places a couple of years ago and since then have become a big fan of you only live once so make the most of it.


If it's financially viable and it's something you really want, my view is do it. My life is pretty much a f'ing huge rollercoaster ride at the moment but I'm damn sure I'm going to enjoy it as best I can! (Says he slightly :teeth: drunk with a broken finger, serious backache and one hell of a hangover after a fantastic birthday party yesterday!!) Life..... bring it on! ;)

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Louis, if your budget skills are as good (poor) as mine then £300 nor £600 is enough spare income. Unless when you say "Everything" you mean everything has been accounted for?? Nights out? Unplanned trips to the local store? Vacations? Weekends away? Decorating ( :scare: ), remodelling (I've just spent over £1200 on tiling our en-suite :scare::surrender::scare: )


On paper your spendable income looks fine but you ought to live the reality for a few months. BTW, I'm not the greatest when it comes to waiting for things too... Hence the CC bills being what they are :blush:

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absolutely agree with the above comment. Wait and see what your true outgoings really amount to when the time comes. At the end of the day you're still very young and have many years of sports car ownership ahead! On the other hand, you only live once....................

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Thanks all, by thinking about getting one, it will not be for another 5/6 months as i know i need to make sure everything is done before then.


Yes everything is taken into consideration, along with £400 for going out and socialising - i have Liam to thank for that figure.


Im just venting at the moment as i really miss driving and it was getting to me last night. On the other hand at least i do not have to worry about decorating as i have all the money for that already and as its a new build, its pretty much how i want it already. :yahoo:


Maybe ill just steal Jay's car ;)

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I agree mate. See how much of that £600 you really save. Yes it's nice to have cars and stuff, but if it was impacting my quality of life with friends and family (as much as I love cars!) I'd ditch it and get something else.


Life is short and I agree with the sentiments of living it. At the same time, you should protect yourself and family from any pitfalls that could be prevented IMO.


Save a few more months, let the prices come down further, then get a newer, better spec version than you could if you stretched yourself. ;)

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Good thinking buddy, as i said, it will be a good 6 months from now anyway as sarah needs to get a job down in london first and i need to get my place and move in and settle. I dont want to stretch anything and the good thing is i know how much the car costs and how much i will be spending on it each month. Socialising is taken into consideration as that is something that is very important to me.



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Id take sinbads advice mate, wait for Sarah to move in and leave it for a couple of months, see how cash flow is then, then once everything pans out look at getting a sensible car with a bit of power, me personally in your situation Id get a Golf TDI, it may be deisel but one chip and you will have more torque than the Z, then enjoy modding it yet save buddles on petrol and still have speed !!!





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However for the same price as that, i can get an import zed ;)


I know what you mean mate, i just need to see what happens and i know Sarah will have an impact on that cost as we will be going out, since she will be new to london.


Give me your keys, or your Mum's ;)

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However for the same price as that, i can get an import zed ;)


I know what you mean mate, i just need to see what happens and i know Sarah will have an impact on that cost as we will be going out, since she will be new to london.


Give me your keys, or your Mum's ;)



lol told you you can get insured on mine dude, mums I dont think so lol, her car comes any day now, will people mind me posting up pics on here of her new car?

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Id get a Golf TDI, it may be deisel but one chip and you will have more torque than the Z, then enjoy modding it yet save buddles on petrol and still have speed !!!


Yeah in theory thats nice, in practice its crap :teeth: ( been driving a bit in a friends chipped A3 2.0TDI (170hp, and more torque than the Z) so I know what i m talking about ;) ). But that s off topic.


On topic:


As others suggested, wait how things turn out. If your budget is correct and you wait 6 months, that will be some extra pounds in the bank you can use on a car. If you dont wait and your expenses go up, you are in a bit of trouble ;)

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However for the same price as that, i can get an import zed ;)


I know what you mean mate, i just need to see what happens and i know Sarah will have an impact on that cost as we will be going out, since she will be new to london.


Give me your keys, or your Mum's ;)



lol told you you can get insured on mine dude, mums I dont think so lol, her car comes any day now, will people mind me posting up pics on here of her new car?

Dude thanks for the offer, i really appreciate that. I may steal it sometime then ;)


I am going to wait and see how things go, also who knows, i may just wait a year, then next year get the new camaro ;) That will be a nice present to myself :thumbs:

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I'm a car nut and all my life I've spent amounts on cars that were disproportionate to my income LOL

Driving round in V12 Jags and spending £70 on a tank of Fuel when I'm only earning £150 a week for example :D

Money has a way of sorting itself out mate, sod it, have fun :p

And please read my sig before you do anything :blush:

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I'm the wrong person to give advice on this... :lol:

I always wanted a Monaro, the money may have been better on the mortgage but it wouldn't have been as much fun :teeth:

I plan to sell it in two years time and get an Aygo :teeth::teeth::teeth:


Group 20 to Group 1 insurance

17mpg to 68mpg

6Litre to 1Litre



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