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Would you have stopped?


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I've posted this on another forum so I'll just paste verbatim from there:


So, last night I witnessed what must have been the biggest act of driving without due care and attention ever.


About 3am, dropping a mate off home, we're driving along this large main road, it's quite wide, well lit and nothing along either side except for a large, white HGV on the other side to me. There's a taxi a bit further behind me and another car approaching from the opposite direction. We were doing about 30mph, I pass the car going the opposite way and about 10seconds later hear a large BANG.


I look in my mirror and see that the car going the other way has just gone straight into the back of the HGV. There was no skidding, no braking, it just went straight into it full whack. There were bits of the front of the guys car all over the place. At this point the taxi behind me has reached it and stopped to help, my mates telling me to go back but (and maybe this was wrong)... I just carried on. I figured the guy must have been drunk to not see a large bloody truck and deserved everything he got. That and I'd promised to pick a bird up from town after I dropped my mate off.


Seriously though, the guy must have been asleep to not see a huge truck.


As I say, if no one else would have been around I'd have stopped but luckily there was another witness. I couldn't have offered any help, I'm sure the taxi driver would have phoned police / ambulance. At the time in the morning my first assumption was the guy was drunk in which case I really didn't give a toss.

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Like you say he was probably drunk or asleep, but i suppose he is innocent until proven otherwise. Would i have stopped? Well if i was a doctor then yes, but like you say if others were present then i guess the relevent authorities would have been informed. :)

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Should always stop if you witness an accident. Could of been a number of people injured and taxi driver could of been on his own. Even if you've no medical training you could be of assistance to emergency services over the phone or just talking to the occupants.



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to be honest id have probably stopped...but thats just me. Id help out in anyway i could. Its an accident, the person may have been blind or acting stupid to hit the lorry, that doesn't mean he deserves to suffer trapped under a HGV or whatever.


At the same time, you did what you thought was best, thats all you can do. Don't beat yourself up or feel guilty.

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Should always stop if you witness an accident. Could of been a number of people injured and taxi driver could of been on his own. Even if you've no medical training you could be of assistance to emergency services over the phone or just talking to the occupants.




He didnt witness it, he heard a bang, he didnt see the collision.

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Should always stop if you witness an accident. Could of been a number of people injured and taxi driver could of been on his own. Even if you've no medical training you could be of assistance to emergency services over the phone or just talking to the occupants.




He didnt witness it, he heard a bang, he didnt see the collision.


He said there was no skidding or braking. If he can state that information to us then he is a reliable witness. To witness an accident is to be aware of one taking place around you. It doesn't matter if he didn't see the actual impact. The point I was making is in providing assistance.

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Should always stop if you witness an accident. Could of been a number of people injured and taxi driver could of been on his own. Even if you've no medical training you could be of assistance to emergency services over the phone or just talking to the occupants.




He didnt witness it, he heard a bang, he didnt see the collision.


Doesn't stop him being a witness - his evidence could still be relevant.


Of course, I'd have stopped. ;)

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Should always stop if you witness an accident. Could of been a number of people injured and taxi driver could of been on his own. Even if you've no medical training you could be of assistance to emergency services over the phone or just talking to the occupants.




He didnt witness it, he heard a bang, he didnt see the collision.


Of course, I'd have stopped. ;)


And nicked the drivers wallet :p

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Sorry, hadn't realised the forum I'd originally posted this in.


Just to follow up, I phoned the police station the next day and asked if there was an accident reported. I told them although we didn't witness the actual accident we saw the aftermath. They weren't really bothered I didn't stop but they did really want me to be able to identify the driver, because when I asked if anyone had been injured they said not likely as he'd done a runner and they weren't able to identify the driver as there were no other witnesses (no idea what happened with the taxi driver).

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