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Many things do Steve, what's your point?


dan saying about the big gay wing being offensive well gay can mean a few things


saying something @*!# because it had a homosexual on it just points to one thing



im stick up for the term big gay wing :D


Perhaps it should be Big Happy Wing though?

Edited by Flex
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This has got to be one of the most off topic threads in the history of off topic threads. :lol:


People are just way to thin skinned and sensitive in this day and age, in my humble opinion.


If more people were like that a few years ago, perhaps certain atrocities wouldn't have been committed.

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This has got to be one of the most off topic threads in the history of off topic threads. :lol:


People are just way to thin skinned and sensitive in this day and age, in my humble opinion.


If more people were like that a few years ago, perhaps certain atrocities wouldn't have been committed.



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There is no need to point out the guys sexuality as there are plenty of camp men that are straight, what does it have to do with anything?

Is there? I don't think I can name too many. Not trying to be argumentative, I'm more worried I'm missing the obvious!


The closest I can get is Lily Savage, but then that for me isn't quite the same as being camp. I couldn't tell you why, though.

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Many things do Steve, what's your point?

dan saying about the big gay wing being offensive well gay can mean a few things


saying something @*!# because it had a homosexual on it just points to one thing

See, I didn't read it as the problem being the guy was homosexual, I read it as the problem was he's a camp homosexual.


Maybe that's just how I read it? It's a good point though, and what I like about the LGBT community as a whole is how they reclaimed the insult 'queer', and nowadays (to my ears) it's not really insulting at all and is very rarely used because of that. It's hard to use a word as an insult if the other party uses it all the time as well, and that's something they should be very proud of achieving. :)

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There is no need to point out the guys sexuality as there are plenty of camp men that are straight, what does it have to do with anything?

Is there? I don't think I can name too many. Not trying to be argumentative, I'm more worried I'm missing the obvious!


The closest I can get is Lily Savage, but then that for me isn't quite the same as being camp. I couldn't tell you why, though.


David Walliams, a bloke at my work, Grundy etc etc

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There is no need to point out the guys sexuality as there are plenty of camp men that are straight, what does it have to do with anything?

Is there? I don't think I can name too many. Not trying to be argumentative, I'm more worried I'm missing the obvious!


The closest I can get is Lily Savage, but then that for me isn't quite the same as being camp. I couldn't tell you why, though.


David Walliams, a bloke at my work, Grundy etc etc

Wait David Walliams isn't gay?!??!?


'a bloke at my work' :lol: That's what I would say if I couldn't name anyone ;)


I'm anything but Camp :lol: the only thing that comes close to being camp is Camping :lol: Anyway, you were the one that wanted to wrestle me!

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There is no need to point out the guys sexuality as there are plenty of camp men that are straight, what does it have to do with anything?

Is there? I don't think I can name too many. Not trying to be argumentative, I'm more worried I'm missing the obvious!


The closest I can get is Lily Savage, but then that for me isn't quite the same as being camp. I couldn't tell you why, though.


David Walliams, a bloke at my work, Grundy etc etc

Wait David Walliams isn't gay?!??!?


'a bloke at my work' :lol: That's what I would say if I couldn't name anyone ;)


I'm anything but Camp :lol: the only thing that comes close to being camp is Camping :lol: Anyway, you were the one that wanted to wrestle me!


Ok darling

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David Walliams is straight?!? even so, hes a right twonk. don't mind graham Norton so much recently, his campness seems to have mellowed.


don't get me started on John Barrowman or Louis Spence though. I've got no problem with their sexuality, they're just twonks of the highest order.

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A spare hour and thought I would put the new show The Jump on. It lasted 8 mins and was presented with an overly excited, overly camp homosexual, TG will be positively superb after that 8 minutes.


What does the fact that the presenter is a homosexual have to do with it? I reported this post a few days back so refrained from saying something in the vein hope something would be said to you about it. Apparently not.


If you're such a bigoted homophobe that you can't watch a programme which features someone who's gay that's your issue, not the programmes. You don't need to bring it into the general forum for all to see. You could have quite frankly said "I watched the jump and it was crap"


In my absence Ekona has answered pretty well unwittingly (disturbingly too as generally we dont see eye to eye).


I didnt turn off because i am a "bigoted homophobe".


I just have zero interest in watching a man camp about, scream, dance and constantly make reference to the fact he is homosexual...like we need reminding!!!


On the very basis he freely admits and makes constant reference to his sexuality and campness, why shouldnt I?? He is a homosexual, he is overly camp and was/is overly excited, it is a statement of fact, nothing more!


I have been in the company of homosexuals before, some you wouldnt even know, some it was blatantly obvious, however stereotypical it is, when i had hair, my hairdresser was a very camp gay, i nicknamed him Big Gay Al (southpark) he found it hysterical.


There is no reason why being gay makes you camp, makes your voice change or anything else associated with liking c**k, so why make such a fuss about it, but it does annoy me to have it thrust in my face, just like religion for example (not literally)



Oh god no not Louis Spence, utter bellend.


The very man in question!

Edited by Jetpilot
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