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Japan trip - Honeymoon


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Quick update we are now trying to include Takayama festival:


07/04 Day 1 - Tokyo -Land Early Morning Haneda airport. Find Hotel probably visit Shinjuku, explore the city, visit Asakusa (Old temple and buildings, giant gundam)

08/04 Day2 - Tokyo - Spend day with Trial Finders Guide showing us various places to visit etc.. visit sumo house and see king of the hill tournament

09/04 Day3 - Morning watching Sumo wrestling

10/04 Day4 - Tokyo - Meji Shrine, Takeshita Dora (Boutique Shops),Omotesando (high end shopping), Shibuya (manga, anime toyshops, Tokyu hands), Hachiko Statue, Shinjiku (Metropolitan Gov building - free skyscraper), go try Pachinko (ball game) , Evening at Robot Bar

11/04 Day5 -

12/04 Day6 -

13/04 Day7 - Arrive in Takyama mid afternoon - visit city and prepare for festival

14/04 Day8 - Spend the day at the festival and night.

15/04 Day9 - Kyoto - Arrive midday, explore the city , Ginkakuji (temples, and gardens), travel philophsers path, Nanzenji temple, Heian Shrine, Kodajii temple and gardens, Higashiyama (Shopping) Gion (Geisha and traditional buildings),

16/04 Day10 - Kyoto - Visit Arashiyama and see the monkeys, Tenryuji temple, Bamboo Groves, Jojakkoji temple, Gioji shrine, Otagi Nenbutsuji (amazing grounds with hundreds of statues), Daikakuji Temple

17/04 Day11 - Kyoto - Visit Fushimi Inari Shrine(Amazing shrine of 1000 gates) then Travel back to Tokyo train ride 2hours 20 mins, Go back into town and visit Owl Cafe, Stationary STore, Oedo Onsen Monogatari (Hot spring baths)

18/04 Day12 -Tokyo - Disney Land, Stay in Disney Land hotel

19/04 Day13 - Tokyo -Disney Sea, Stay in Tokyo

20/04 Day14 - Tokyo - Last day in Tokyo, take in the sighs, do stuff we missed, have final meals

21/04 Day15 - Fly Home Early morning


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Just a note on day 3, when I went to watch sumo we went for the whole event. The early morning was pretty quiet and the place half full, it doesnt really liven up until the later bouts. The best wrestlers come on at the end, after the last fight its customary for the people watching ringside (who sit on cushions on the floor) throw all the cushions into the ring and cheer. Loads to do at the place itself though, you can walk around and see the little museums, eat sumo food, actually meet the sumo wrestlers as they tend to wander around and mingle with fans as well as see their supermodel stick thin girlfriends!

Edited by coldel
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