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No 'splashing' you lot


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I remember a while back we were returning from a university club trip in a minibus... in Kenilworth theres a ford with a raised footpath alongside it. As it was after some heavy rain there was about a foot of water to drive through - most other drivers crawled through it in first gear, but the driver of our minbus decided it would be an excellent idea to gun it and went through at about 40mph - the splash was about 6ft high, I feel bad for the half dozen people walking alongside at the time! :lol:

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I think i have only been 'lucky' enough to be in a splashing situation a couple of times.


This one time some years ago really made my day:

3 hooded hooligans decided to walk out into the road at a pedestrian crossing (with green lights, and red men) walking from my right to my left. the other lane of traffic stopped suddenly, I however was still approaching from a little distance.

they bowled over slowly and one took the time to put his finger up at the other driver that stopped (im guessing that driver probably tooted or made his own gesture. didnt see)


and lo-behold, i had a big puddle (small flood!) on my side of the road.

So i did the only honourable thing.


I would have taken any penalty on the chin that day :)

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Guess that's another one to add to my new years resolutions then.....kids 'll be really disappointed as well. They egg me on when they see a big puddle, and some of those pot holes can hold a serious depth of water. Seems we not allowed to do anything fun these days :(

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Not sure if is a police matter but it is inconsiderate. I had to take my young daughter home to get changed when she was soaked head to foot by a driver as I pushed her to nursery school many years ago. I was pretty annoyed as I couldn't let her sit in wet clothes all day so I missed my bus to work because I had to go home to change her and I got told off for being late for work :rant:

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I've never had it done to me, but then I'm not that stupid as to walk by a bloody great puddle in the road when there's cars coming! I would hope that if I ever am so dense, and I do get a soaking, I'm able to laugh it off with the same intensity that I'm sure the driver of the car will be.



I may or may not have done it a couple of times, and the reactions of the people has been absolutely priceless: The classic open-mouthed cape-wearing pose :lol:

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Just have to do this instead.....



I have just arrived back from Cuba and after 2.5 weeks of the blackest smoke and most awful exhaust fumes from just about everything on the road, even I would not find this funny right now. You just do not realise how clean the air is here. !!

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I do remember as a lad walking by a mini flood at the side of the road, a couple of lads in an Escort van tore into it and before i had a chance to react i just remember this curtain of water, like being in a tube surfing, absolutely soaked, all i can remember is the laughter from my mates and the guys in the van.


When we first started driving we used to angle our washer jets at the pavement, made for great hilarity, until one day we did it to this rather large individual and then realised the pedestrian crossing 20 meters ahead had just gone red!!!! I dont think we ever did it again ;)

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Not sure if is a police matter but it is inconsiderate. I had to take my young daughter home to get changed when she was soaked head to foot by a driver as I pushed her to nursery school many years ago. I was pretty annoyed as I couldn't let her sit in wet clothes all day so I missed my bus to work because I had to go home to change her and I got told off for being late for work :rant:

I agree with you on this.


There is a road locally here that I drive on my way to my Mrs parents house. When it rains heavy enough it tends to flood on both sides of the road for a good mile or so.

Pedestrians have no choice but to walk along the pavements past the massive puddles with some inconsiderate drivers soaking them. Seen one tw*t drench a mother & child in a pram, ...who the f**k thinks that's funny. :rant:



People should learn to empathise with others more ~ just think would you like someone doing that to you? what about your mother? or pregnant wife maybe?! :dry:

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I've been soaked head to toe by a bus, properly wet right through to my reg grundies. After the initial shock, what else was there to do but :lol:


Never tagged a pedestrian deliberately myself, but I'm fairly certain that bus driver knew what he was doing, but then again, that's probably as good as it ever gets for a bus driver so I'll let him have it and chalk it up to experience :)

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I've never had it done to me, but then I'm not that stupid as to walk by a bloody great puddle in the road when there's cars coming! I would hope that if I ever am so dense, and I do get a soaking, I'm able to laugh it off with the same intensity that I'm sure the driver of the car will be.



Hmmm totally disagree. It happens to me a couple of months back while walking to work.


I see the big puddle in the gutter, stop and check behind me. One car coming who has moved over so he will miss the puddle so k continue to walk only for the inconsiderate moron to swerve into the puddle and really soak me.


That isn't me being stupid that's the driver being a class one *****.


And by the way I didn't report it as j didn't have a registration so what could I do? It is in the Highway Code as an offence.

I suspect this happens a LOT and isn't reported for various reasons.

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The thing is though neither he nor I knew what was in that puddle. It could have been hiding a large hole which could've caused him to lose control or it could had flung debris and seriously hurt me.


To swerve also has implications especially if he has mixed tyres :lol; mind you it was a Peugeot 306 and I think they have mixed tyres from the factory.


Don't get me wrong, there are idiots who stand right next to a puddle where the cars have no option but in my particular case if I'd have got hold of the driver he would have had a very squeaky voice for a few days as he'd shown intention to avoid it only at the last second swerved.

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Which makes it funnier :lol: :lol:


Admittedly as someone earlier said, if the victim is a baby or a very pregnant lady or a very old person then I don't think that would be funny in the slightest. Every one else is fair game.

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