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oil level concerns

Ricky B

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Hi I have an 06 Z with 34000 on the clock, (it was serviced 3,500 miles ago in April 2014) recently i noticed the oil pressure fall to 1/2 what it usually is, on tick over about 15 psi and general driving about 30 psi.


Every now and again there was a ticking from the front passenger side when moving but not when stationary. Any way i checked the oil and it was low, not showing on the stick. So i topped it up, it took 2.2 litres to reach mid way up the dip stick. I was shocked at this as there was no warning light signal to say the oil was low. I used Castrol magnatec 5-30 A1 (ACEA A1) This seems to have solved the problem, But i have a few questions if anybody can help.


Will any engine damage have occurred, with the oil as low as it was?


Does anybody know what the ticking noise was?


Is it ok to mix oils the garage that serviced it say the used 10-40


Many thanks

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  On 05/01/2015 at 13:31, Ricky B said:

Hi I have an 06 Z with 34000 on the clock, (it was serviced 3,500 miles ago in April 2014) recently i noticed the oil pressure fall to 1/2 what it usually is, on tick over about 15 psi and general driving about 30 psi.


Every now and again there was a ticking from the front passenger side when moving but not when stationary. Any way i checked the oil and it was low, not showing on the stick. So i topped it up, it took 2.2 litres to reach mid way up the dip stick. I was shocked at this as there was no warning light signal to say the oil was low. I used Castrol magnatec 5-30 A1 (ACEA A1) This seems to have solved the problem, But i have a few questions if anybody can help.


Will any engine damage have occurred, with the oil as low as it was?


Does anybody know what the ticking noise was?


Is it ok to mix oils the garage that serviced it say the used 10-40


Many thanks


Oh dear, that is not good at all.


Mixing oil won't hurt, and the ticking was maybe something suffering from oil pressure problems or starvation.

Your main issue is damage to the bottom end from lack of oil pressure which is very bad news.

You either have escapade by the skin of your teeth or you have damage which will rear its head at some point in the future. 2.2 litres is a lot to be adding and you may have got away with it if your pressure stayed up high enough but unfortunately you will not be able to tell.

Edited by Toon Chris
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Two things:


1. You probably have damaged your engine. It may or may not be terminal, but it's almost certain that there is some damage caused by running that low on oil.

2. Stop using Magnatec. It's p*ss thin crap that I wouldn't use in a lawnmower, much less a car.

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2.2L to get to half way up the dipstick means you were down about 3L of oil! <1L of oil per 1000 miles isn't a huge issue, but as others have said you may have already done some damage.


Sounds like you have a drinker, just make sure you check the oil every week or few hundred miles so it never gets too low again. A thicker oil like Ricky suggested would also be a good idea.

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Thanks guys, I've spoken to Nissan They use 5-40 oil when they do a service. Would this be the oil to put back in. as said before i put 5-30 in to top it up. think i will do a full oil change on Friday when i'm off, so i need to get the correct gear.


Thanks for all your advice on this guys. Wish Nissan had told me last April to keep an eye on my oil, as i would never have guessed that it would use oil so quickly, only 30,000 on the clock no smoke or other signs. it seems that some Zeds have a reputation for using oil.


Cheers guys, thanks once again.

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  On 05/01/2015 at 22:29, Ebized said:

NO, do as Tricky Ricky says - 10w40 - basically it stays thicker than 5w40 when the engine gets hot and less likely to get burnt away

That's not right Col: 10w40 is exactly the same viscosity as 5w40 when warm, it's just thicker from cold.

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