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What's the worst car you have ever driven


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  On 18/12/2014 at 21:49, StevoD said:
  On 18/12/2014 at 19:03, Flex said:
  On 18/12/2014 at 17:38, StevoD said:
  On 18/12/2014 at 15:08, Ekona said:

Hooray, we agree on something! :yahoo:


EnD of the world


Oh sh1te, I've not prepared my bunker. Flurk.


Going round swear filters naughty naughty


Spank me!?

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  On 18/12/2014 at 23:26, Flex said:
  On 18/12/2014 at 21:49, StevoD said:
  On 18/12/2014 at 19:03, Flex said:
  On 18/12/2014 at 17:38, StevoD said:
  On 18/12/2014 at 15:08, Ekona said:

Hooray, we agree on something! :yahoo:


EnD of the world


Oh sh1te, I've not prepared my bunker. Flurk.


Going round swear filters naughty naughty


Spank me!?


Only if I can get a reeeeeewind

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  On 18/12/2014 at 17:29, ATTAK Z said:

Any Yugo


I drove Yugo vans for a while.

Yugo gave them to the company for peanuts so we would drive them around town as a sort of advertising.

Terribly underpowered and apparently only had 3 main bearings on the crank to save money. That may be why they all died at under 60K on the clock.


Worst car to drive for me was a Wartburg in East Germany. 3 cylinder, 2-stroke engine in a fibreglass/cardboard/metal mixture body and the dash and seats roughly bolted into place.

Engine was rubbish unless it was in the powerband whereupon it went off like stink without warning, and with crap brakes and steering you somehow never felt it was actually you driving it.

And these were the luxury cars of the time. The common folk had to make do with Trabants.



Aint she a beauty?



Edited by Toon Chris
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Kia Picanto 1.1 - Had one as a hire car in Malta. It got stuck going up a single track hill in Gozo (Ran out of grip) and we had to reverse back over a mile before we could turn round.


In fairness it was a fairly steep hill, but can't help thinking something better would have made it!

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My old Defender 90 - they love to rust and in 18 months it cost me a clutch, alternator, steering box, radiator and a rain coat. I needed the coat for two reasons, first because the doors didn't seal properly, so rain got straight in. Second because in winter ice would form on the inside of the roof and when it finally got above zero in the cab, you'd get icy rain falling on you. It wasn't very secure either - I locked the keys in once - left them in the ignition - so I just unbolted the floor pan / driver footwell and reached in.


Bloody loved that car actually.

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Moskvitch, Wartburg, Yugo, old Seats and Marinas - all very strong contenders :thumbs: Re the ancient Land Rovers - a mate of mine took me on a short trip into Cardiff town centre in one. He had to saw away at the steering wheel frantically just to keep us on a straight road at about 30mph.

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Skoda 130LSE . My first company car. I knew the local AA chap on first name terms. What a piece of s***t. Handling was good in all fairness once you got it up to speed. Needless to say I only stayed with that company a year and moved jobs and got a proper car...........a Cavalier! :lol:

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