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What's your worst experience


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Trying to understand in my broken Russian what on earth a prostate examination by a guy that looked like the cleaner, in a hospital in deepest Russia had to do with my stomach ulcers. To this day I don't think he was a doctor!


PMSL :lol:


Sorry but that one did make me laugh.

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1994 waking up paralyzed from the waist down....being admitted to hospital flat on my back for 3 weeks after numerous CT and Xrays to be told I have a mass of Arthritis growing inside my spinal canal at the root of my Coccyx and my only options where :


1 : continue therapy to try and regain movement / feeling and accept that I will be in excruciating pain 24/7 and never work for the rest of my life & it's degenerative so will get worse


2: have my spine opened and try to remove the Arthritic growths ( this OP has a 99% failure rate btw and you will be paralyzed for life / colostomy bag etc etc )


I took option 1.


1995 popped into my Dr's to collect a prescription for my wife ( she was at work ) to be told to wait, 10 mins later I'm in an Ambulance as I'm grey as the grave, upon arrival at hospital told I'd had a heart attack and would be monitored over night, during the night had another this one bigger and boy did it hurt, put on thinners and an Angiogram is performed ( tube up the groin ) they don't like what they find so transferred to another Hospital as I'm wheeled into the room I have a full blown paddles moment and just as there about to administer the shock my heart comes back on it's own ( stubborn bugger ), more tests and xrays / scans , they decide they cant cope with me so transferred to Southampton Heart unit , another set of tests and they tell me ( finally ) that my Circumflex Artery has collapsed ( blood to the left ventrical ) which is now damaged but we can open it again with a balloon, this they did... then in recovery it collapsed again and this was the big one , white tunnel , out of body the full monty, wife called in placed in a room on her own and me 6 hours on the table.


upon awakening and after a week of recovery ( sic ) I'm discharged in the snow to go home / no meds / no follow up , one year later after not even being able to bathe myself or function in any way normally I call my GP as I collapsed at home, taken to St Mary's Portsmouth where after tests an 2 weeks of drug combinations ( some of which have the most weird side effects ) they find a combination that suits me after months of my Dr pressurising Southampton Hospital I am finally told that my prognosis is DEATH & my life expectancy was 2 years from date of discharge as my Heart is now so fecked ,


Well I'm still here but with al the above and no immune system / two large inoperable hernias / carpel tunnel / all joints now riddled with Arthritis , my 8 pills a day keep me alive but without the support of my darling wife I would have ended it all by now, with the constant pain the inability do the most basic things , the constant pressure of being targeted by this f...ing government and all he morons who believe there bollocks about disabled people , the abuse about my appearance etc

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Well, painful experiences have been mainly due to my own stupidity or done voluntarily. I've done the "rake trick" to see just how painful that was ( stepping on the end of a rake and allowing the handle to bash your head ) yeah, that really hurt. Being poked in the eye by my 10 month old with a wooden spoon :scare: . Being electrocuted by a dodgy multi-plug, which was really unpleasant to say the least :wacko: . But I think the most painful, the one that was pretty unbearable was when my brother sprayed veet on my ballbag in the gym changing room. I thought he was just mucking about with shaving cream but I can tell you good sirs, it was just burning the whole time that left me in pain for days. Made my nuts look like a couple of red raw spanked plums. I had to take a day off work and apply an ice bag to my crotch :dry: compared to you lot, I know I have come off lightly

Edited by Rock_Steady
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1. Kidney Stones 1994

2. Kidney Stone removal 1994

3. Kidney Stones 2003 (they didnt get them all)

4. Kidney Stones 2013

5. Kidney Stones coming out unassisted 2013 _ Still makes my eyes water even now


Removal was OK 2003 must be used to having the tube inserted


Physio after ACL repair was pretty horrible as well although a certain contender for what yoiu put in you get out as its arguable better than before


Finally - Dive incident that had me sink about 25m like a stone due to equipment failure and popping the weightbelt belt was not an option due to the nearest pot being 4 hours away via low level C-130 flight. If had been a deeper dive would not have made it.

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OMG - Reading some of these make you realise just how lucky you really are.


A good thread for putting your own problems into prospective.


I have several- one being - The Car Accident I was in 2003. A Passenger in a Caterham, that left the road and somersaulted several times, leaving me with Concussion and a brain injury – which affected my eyesight and resulted in not being able to drive for 5 months. :scare:


Cars and driving have pretty much been a major part of my life. I was terrified I would lose my love for both.


I could not see straight and although an operation was available – not for 12 months – as they had to wait to see what correction would happen naturally. The nerves to my eyes had been stretched due to constant knocking of my head on the roll bar. Then this was not even to each eye. Thank goodness for friends, who on the whole actually took the Pi55 masses due to the stance I had. Very crooked head tilted angles – as it was the only way I could see evenly. I have always been known as one to laugh and retaliate. They knew if I did not respond in this way then I really was sinking.


I was Self Employed and live alone so during this time life was hard. Somehow, after 3 weeks I managed to do about 2 hours work a day, getting taxi’s to and from my clients thereby not making a bean, but most importantly I managed to keep all my clients. It took over a year to get back to full time work as a side effect of this type of injury is huge tiredness.


Bizzarely – no whiplash !!!! Very luckily for me there were no other brain injury items either, although I had masses of tests, I had a brain scan – they found a brain – huge relief :lol: and the eyesight gradually improved month on month, during this time I wore a prism in one of my lenses which increased the ability to see more evenly. Kerbs, doorways, stairs were all a problem and I regularly fell, tripped or bumped into things and had some pretty nasty bruising at times. I think one of the worst things was though – I looked fine, so no one could tell. I have much greater understanding now of what this must be like especially for the deaf and poorly sighted. No outward signs show this.


I am very lucky as 95% of my eyesight has returned to normal and now I have one eye that compensates for the other. The only time I am at all aware of it, is if I am very tired.


Fortunately due to a good friend who took me as a passenger out on track as soon as I was driving again to assist rebuilding my confidence, the result was achieved and I probably love cars, motorsport and driving even more than before. :teeth:

Edited by Wendy
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Took a while for my buddy to find me finding the bubble trail, I was pretty experienced at the time with over 60 dives under my belt so although instinct was to dump the belt and inflate the dry bag, training dictated best scenariuo was get your breathing under control then controlled ascent - one of my fins strap snapped and lost the fin so was pretty good and going around in a circle! this was also in full cold water gear - wasn't fun

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Ooh, when I was 11 I ran over some wet grass chasing a mate who was on his bike, slipped and did a full 180deg flip with a half twist mid air. I landed jaw-first onto the nearby patch of concrete.


End result was smashing my top two front teeth out, and massively swollen lips. The teeth have been replaced with implants, and the lips never really went down so I now have uber-kissable Jagger lips for life B):lol:



Claret everywhere I tell you, scared the hell out of me as a kid.

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went over the handle bars on a mates bike who unfortunately had a bit of jagged metal where the cycle lamp bracket should have been. Was nearly the worlds first airborne circumcision.

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Broken wrist badly and knocked myself out at the same time. Managed to snap both bones and get each bone poking through the skin, got the nasty scars to prove :surrender:


Also broken nose, ribs, collar bone, my other wrist and my thumb. Too many injurys to remember!


The joys of extreme sports eh?

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my worst experience was purely my own fault.


I had a cold that would kill a polar bear.


Since I was extremely run down and not thinking straight, I decided to run a roasting hot bath and empty a whole bottle of tea tree oil in then jump in for a quick lie down in it.



Yeah soo oil burns are extremely painful. body was scarlet and all I could do was dab myself dry with towels and let the oil come back out my skin.





Dont try this at home fowks!

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Jeez!! This thread is grim reading for sure :yuck:


You lot have been through the wars by the sound of it.......


+1 there is some grim reading in here (I posted on it as well :lol: )


I also recently lost my mum so know the pain that causes :(


Next we just need to do a list of scars/injuries - like the scene in Jaws :thumbs:

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My worst experience was 6 months ago I awoke to my girlfriend screaming and crying apparently I had had a seizure in my sleep, never had one before, but was taken into hospital and had an MRI scan and I have something called a carvenoma in my brain which had bled and caused the fits, I must have been into double numbers of the amount I had over the week I was in hospital. They have taken my driving lisence from me for a year free of seizures which will be 6 months on the 14th.


Here's a photo of the little toerag, about the size of your thumb, there not too keen to operate just yet as it stopped bleeding but could go off again whenever which would mean neurosurgery. stinker



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Bytespc unfortunatly has us all trumped. Sending positive thoughts your way fella, keep fighting and those who have an attitude to people with disabilities aren't worth worrying about!


there is a little more to my foot injury than I originally posted. Basically I had an open cast so they could clean the wounds and a couple of days after my injury a student nurse who was cleaning and dressing the wound suddenly stopped and went to get a senior nurse. She had spotted an infection which meant I was put into isolation (they didn't tell me why).


It turns out if contracted pseudomonas (iirc) which is flesh eating and meant the theatre and recovery room they had used for me got shut down for a couple of days. They never dos tell me how I contracted it.


On top of this I have a severe allergy to tetanus, it's on all my medical notes and I told the paramedics this and then the a&e staff. My parents also informed them.


About a week into my stay a nurse came around with the medication trolley and gave me an injection, I asked what it was and was told it was a pain killer.


About an hour later all my joints started swelling and these huge lumps appeared all over my body and boy did they itch.


My mother visited me and immediately got them to check me over... Yep you got it they had given me a tetanus booster thinking my allergy would have gone away due to my age. 3 days it took for me to get movement back and the itching to subside.


On a positive note that student nurse was absolutely gorgeous but being a 17 year old lad I went bright red and talked gibberish around her :lol:


Oh and whoever it was with kidney stones that made me wince, I thought call stones were painful but nice heard those bad boys are on a completely different level.

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