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Found another one

veilside z

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The real irony there is that the guy who got clouted is actually partially to blame: Why was he changing lanes, and why did he not use his mirrors? If he'd done the latter, he'd have seen the 458 flying up and let him go first, which would've put the 458 well ahead of the GT-R.



Obviously both the Nissan and the Ferrari were pushing their luck, but the innocent party there isn't entirely blame-free. Didn't deserve that, though.

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Nope sorry, all the Ferraris fault in my opinion. At the end of the day it was he who cut across the GTR causing the incident. However, if they weren't both ******* racing on public roads then it wouldn't have happened either.

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Had some guy in an old Peugeot 406 overtake me on the M4 the other day (just before getting to the M25 turn off) I was on the inside lane doing a steady 60 and he went outside me at about 100, undertook three other cars (admittedly all middle/outside laning) in front of me, straight back onto the outside lane over taken a few more then undertook a guy who was indicating left to get into the M25 slip lane narrowly missing him.


I said to my wife where are the police when you get muppets like that driving like complete twats.


30 seconds later a police car goes roaring by and off into the distance. I pass the two cars pulled up on the hard shoulder a few minutes later with the guy being ushered out his Peugeot and shovelled into the back of the cop car :teeth: someone was clearly listening to me hurrah!

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I see that as the Ferrari being at fault - the best bit is the poor innocent motorist that gets rear ended, do you recon that last spin to turn the car and coast into the hard shoulder was intentional?


If it was he/she was well with it - if not it looked cool B) But probably not much of a consolation after getting rammed from behind while minding your own business.


EDIT: Not that as said above they weren't both pushing their luck on a busy public road!!

Edited by Keyser
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Had some guy in an old Peugeot 406 overtake me on the M4 the other day (just before getting to the M25 turn off) I was on the inside lane doing a steady 60 and he went outside me at about 100, undertook three other cars (admittedly all middle/outside laning) in front of me, straight back onto the outside lane over taken a few more then undertook a guy who was indicating left to get into the M25 slip lane narrowly missing him.


I said to my wife where are the police when you get muppets like that driving like complete twats.


30 seconds later a police car goes roaring by and off into the distance. I pass the two cars pulled up on the hard shoulder a few minutes later with the guy being ushered out his Peugeot and shovelled into the back of the cop car :teeth: someone was clearly listening to me hurrah!



That's so rare nowadays, ...most of the time these idiots seem to get away with it. :thumbdown:

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