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Good deed, followed by supreme anger


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*ring, ring*


"Hello, what's that Commissioner Gordon?"






"The Joker has put ice down all over the roads and is causing motorbikes to crash all over the City as a distraction for a bank raid!!"



"I'm on my way!"







This is completely inaccurate.










I'm way fatter than that.

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I watched a bloke and his wife in a Range Rover arguing with an ambulance driver


who had blue lights on and was attending a cyclist who had fallen of his bike and had


a gash on his head and leg, they were examining him before moving him. We were all sitting


patiently for the ambulance to move when this pra* in the Range Rover overtakes us all


starts shouting at the ambulance driver and then drives onto the pavement to get around it..unbelievable... :rant: :rant:


Good deed, well done benjy. :thumbs:

Edited by WhackyWill
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Nice one benjy, it seems you were the only one with any human decency this morning, ******mas shopping was probably far more important to others :bang: :bang:


of course... Not mentioning the fact I got a boIIocking for being Iate to work IoI, but they reaIIy needed to get to the Christmas market....

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You did the right thing, well done.


Yesterday morning I was in the daily doing 35 in a 40 due to the horrible light conditions when someone came alongside me doing much more than the speed limit and indicated to my lane. I was watching him with one eye on the car in front what I didn't see is the lights turn to Amber and the car in front lift off and start to brake.


The douche along side accelerated at this point to beat the lights. I checked in front and had to brake hard. I got within 6 ft of the car and it slowly moves forward and I stop half of my car where the car in front would've been.


I thank the guy with thumbs and when we move forward he turns into a supermarket and follow just to thank him for his quick thinking.


Turns out the guy was CID, saw the lights changing and noticed the douche too. I shook his hand, thanked him and went on.


Edit: my point is it only took a second of me being distracted ted for it to start to go very wrong even when I'd given plenty of distance and was doing a speed in line with the conditions.

Edited by Fodder
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Well done to you Benjy. Always like to think all people would do the same, sadly not so true.


Fodder - nice to see some others observe all around them while out on the road.

I am amazed at how few do, but then I would have everyone take their Advanced Driving Test and teach them.

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So, this morning I had the odd experience of saving some poor young biker from being killed.


It's pretty icy this morning as I'm sure you're all aware, and I followed him onto a roundabout, where the moment he tried to turn, the bike went completely out from underneath him and went rolling across the road, as did he...


So, being pretty awake after a couple of strong coffees this morning, I elbowed on my hazard lights and yanked the handbrake, as well performing an emergency stop. I came to a halt a couple of inches from him, whilst the lorry that was behind me had to divert off down a different junction to avoid hitting me... (thank **** for that).


So anyway, I parked my zed right across both lanes, to make sure no one could try to go round me, or more importantly, run him over lol. Got out the car, picked him up, took him to the edge of the road and sat him down, made sure he was okay (he was, just a little shaken). At which point a woman pulled up in a Discovery, who was a Nurse, and proceeded to make sure he was okay.


Unbelievably though, I was then hooted at, shouted at, and 'head-shaken' at, for stopping the bloody traffic. Ended up full on arguing with some old duffer in a Focus. People were literally driving over the roundabout to get past my car, whilst I was clearing up pieces of this poor blokes Kawasaki.


My question is this: Where the hell has human decency gone????????????????????????




You've answered your own question fella. Human decency hasn't gone anywhere. You displayed it, as did the nurse. I've said it before and I'll say it again...most people are thick idiots. Don't let that get in the way of the fact that you did a good thing. I'm sure the bike rider appreciated it and that's what matters. :)

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Good work fella, I had the same thing when a guy on a moped sitting between lanes 2 and 3 on the A3 at 50mph decided to try go between two cars in front of me and ballsed it up and came off. Stupid idiot for doing it but still he flew under the front of my car and I slammed on the brakes in the outside lane and came to a halt to see him grab the front of the car and try haul himself up. I jumped out and gave him a hand and he seemed ok, by now I was getting parped, and some guy got out his car and was swearing at me.

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you did a good thing just ignore the arseholes

when i was 18 (a long time ago) i'm walking down the street and this old lady in front of me trips over a loose paving slab hits the floor face first blood everywhere so i go rushing over to help her so i'm kneeling down helping her to sit up

and there's cars and people just going past all rubber necking no one stopped then this couple comes rushing over and i think to myself about bloody time that is until he starts shouting at me to leave her alone so i try explaining to the guy what happened when he starts kicking me so i got up and lumped him one thats when the police showed up so turned out as a pretty crappy day i'm sure the guy who started kicking me thought he was doing the right thing and i hope me punching him in the face hasn't put him off since. if someone needs help and i can help them i will so don't let a few arseholes put you off. :)

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