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Hello - An Export from the Supra Forums

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Congratulations Selah I see you have great taste in Zeds :thumbs:


Can't say I ever had a bad shake on pull away - the clutch does take a bit of getting used to, don't slip it, you need to release it very quickly the manual warns slipping the clutch (for a smooth pull away) may damage the plates.


Any questions please feel free to ask and I can explain all the switches and lights if you need to know - Biggest tip is near the handbrake (just behind the handbrake where heated seat switches normally are) are 4 switches the second one over (from the driver) MUST BE ON at all times it is the water injection, keeps inlet temps down - also keep the water bottle (behind driver in boot) topped up with pure water,


Most of all ENJOY!!!!!!



EDIT: Suppose I should change my signature picture now :blush:

Edited by Keyser
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Welcolm to the forum :wave: .


The green bitch is back :thumbs: . Just talking to Chris (Keyser) yesterday at Snetterton about his old zed.


Hull, not a million miles away, i will probably hear it from my place :lol:

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Keyser thanks for building such an awesome car mate!! I let my dad have a go in it last night and he has a 4.5 race tuned TVR Cerbera... The bitch nearly made him s**t him self! Lol Father In law is testing it today, he has ferraris so should an be interesting drive lol


On a serious note thanks for the offer which i will take you up on!! I the minute I just climb in the cream!!! Ever seen that deer in the headlight look? That's me pressing that little green button!! Teehee

Edited by Selah83
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Two buttons in the glove box one is the interal green lights! What's does the other do?


I had forgotten about them :lol:


One as you say is for internal lights the other is/was for external lights (neon's) they were never actually fitted but if you look under the fluids cover you should find a wire coiled up neatly ready for them should you wish to add them later :thumbs:

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