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Facelift headlights

Scott TMN

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Yeah I emailed him when I melted one of my headlights in the oven :lol:

Have you tried re sealing the headlight that's leaking? Remove it , remove the screws on the back then heat gun on the seal (carefully) and then screw it back together with a bead of sealant around the joint. :)

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haha really :lol:


Well the unit is currently in the airing cupboard. I have had it off all week, I tried puting more sealant on it, but it was adhearing. Then I found the current sealant is all wet and tacky. It needs to be opened to dry im certain, im just wanting to avoid splitting them again myself. I fear I will relive your experience :lol: Just doing my head in now, killed 2 bulbs already haha

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I'd split it and start again mate, it's not hard if you take your time.Warm it up to soften the mastic ,split and get it all dry then warm again and join , do the screws up whilst still warm for a good seal then use new sealant around the join to be sure!

I've read your build thread many times so I know it will be a doddle for a man of your caliber and skill :teeth:

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Aha ok mate you have convinced me then in that case ;) May start tonight! :) For the re sealing I have been recommended Windscreen sealant which I am yet to require. Once split and dry, will it be ok to come back a few days later, re heat whatever mastic remains, apply more of the newly acquired gunk and then put back together right?

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The mastic will re soften as you need it too , I had to get a new lense from Zmanalex and that took a week to sort so don't worry about that. Don't bother with the oven just use a heat gun carefully, concentrating on the back of the headlight (the black plastic bit).

The silicone I used was exterior auto stuff so I guess the same as you have in mind mate.

I've got a used , slightly melted headlight you are welcome to practice on but your miles away from me! If you need any help let me know and I'll do my best :)


Edit: use the sealant (silicone) after its all back together as an extra outer seal. Don't add it to the original mastic that may not work!

Edited by ZEUS
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While you're there, check that the O-Rings on the rear covers and the ballasts are still sealing properly.

Sometimes when headlights are baked these are forgotten to be removed and the heat can perish those seals, thus letting moisture in and causing condensation even when the rest of the headlight is sealed up good

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Right just a little update, LIGHT IS SPLIT :) bit of swearing but wasnt too bad. There were a few casualties, admittedly I think they were haste produced, as I was on the home stretch so to speak haha


Headlights split



The back bit of the housing, right near the screw, i made a crack...:( hopefully should be alright? (i know you cant see much, dodgy iphone pic, sorry...)



thanks for the guidance guys :)

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