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Garage roof leak compensation form help


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Seeing as this place is the fountain of all knowledge I wondered what I might be entitled to ask for or kick off about regarding my problem with my garage I am renting off a housing association.

Il explain in brief below but basically they have sent me a compensation form with just a brief description and amount at the bottom, Im a bit unsure what to put in etc and what im likely to get back but anyway

Garage is rented of housing association but maintenance/repair is done my Morrisons

Leak was in front corner of garage as you open door


-Rented garage July 2013 - upon renting I inquired about the roof and state and HA said its fine (had to have an interview to rent a garage??) and they have it built in their plans to replace the roofs on all the garages (so with this information I proceeded with the agreement)


-Had good weather up to Nov 2013 when it stared raining (great floods of UK) and noticed a leak so reported it immediately to HA and Morrisions and Morrisons took over repair (remember reported Nov 2013)


-Took day off in Nov for someone to come and view garage (as they told me - I specifically asked if I had to be there they said yes)- they turned up didnt bother to ring me or buzz my door (which is like 20 seconds away) so I rang up after a whole day at home to ask where they were. 'They turned up and looked on the roof and know whats wrong, some bits are missing off the roof that need to be replaced, we will arrange to get this sorted' - I asked are they sure as they didnt go inside and also kicked off as took day off, she apologised and said someone should of contacted you and they will let me know when it will get fixed


-December rolled around and plenty of rain - checked garage from initial phone call to this time and still leaking- called them back and they said 'cannot fix roof as its weather dependant' we were in middle of floods so kicked off again and said 'so basically im paying full rent for a roof that leaks in the middle of a flood' said nothing she could do its weather dependent


-Also mentioned that upon renting garage they said would replace roof she said it was in there plan but they ran out of money so cant do it , to which i said you basically lied to me then


-left it at that for ages as lost hope till weather got better so just kept checking the zed and making sure all was ok - I have foam tiles on the floor and the one that was getting leaked on had doubled in width so had a picture from when they went in when they started leaking and one with double width


-March 2014 rolled around and hadnt heard nothing so rang them back up and they said someone had fixed the roof and the total was £3600 and something so I said ok thats great as long as all is well and repaired im happy.


-March 2014 to October 2014 - immensely good weather during this period


-Went and checked garage on first day of rain and surprise surprise its leaking only much worse than it was originally and now the water is sitting under my two front tyres.


-Kicked off with the housing association they didnt check anything and were astounded to hear I reported back to them the cost of repair to the roof and were unaware anything had been done and more to the fact its still leaking. She said she would investigate and apologised and so did morrisons and said would send two people round to have a look


-I arranged an appointment and said I will take day off and I want to meet them both and show them the inside as last time they did it blind without see the leak at all, so this time I wanted to show them so they make sure.


-they agreed and made an appointment - surprise surprise no phone call 3 hours past appointment time, rang up 'oh they have been down already and seen what needs to be done and we will get it fixed however it is weather dependent' ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


-kicked off again said we had 6 months of good weather why is it still leaking and also took another day off for nothing.


-This time got phone call immediately back from repair/maintenance manager saying they have messed up someone should of rang me apologised and basically took one for the team as I went through all of the above with him and said we are nearing on 12 months since i reported this.


-He asked me if I could be in again (for a third time) when it wasnt raining :lol: I told him im not Michael Fish and ended the call


-He rings me out of the blue to see if im at home and I was so meet him at garage show him leak inside he checks it out and says basically they have painted some black paint to stop it leaking - I said does that cost £3000 then - he said no - and also nothing has been changed some bits are missing, I reported this back to HA who werent happy and asked if anyone had done an internal water test i said no thats the first time anyone has been in the garage since I reported it in Nov 2013 -she went off to launch her own investigation


-Dont hear nothing from anyone then get a text saying 'your appointment is scheduled for today' ring them up apparently someone is coming down


-Go down there and the guy says there is a hole , he cleared some moss things are missing etc , now I have two lower locks on bottom right and bottom left of garage and a bolt goes into wall, the left one is near the gutter in wall he has done something anyway and poured some water on the roof, water came in roof and down gutter and through hole were bolt goes in - I was like it didnt do that before he said nothing he can do hole had gone right through.


-He basically said new gutter some roof things doing all weather dependant


-Went and checked the other day serious amounts of water in there now, front tyres sitting in standing water


-Another phone call to morrisons manager he was just rude this time and not very responsive to my concerns, hung up on him and rang HA randomly get through to complaints dept, they have no record of me :lol: and have sent me the compensation form which is where I am at now!


Havent heard from morrsions since or the lady who launching her own investigation from October at HA.


What do I claim for? :lol:

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so sorry didnt realise I wrote that much! may want to tackle this thread when your bored at work for an hour lol


Way I see it and my main concerns are:

-Paid full rent every month on time without fail for a leaking roof from day one - Have they breached there agreement? can I claim half a years rent back? or more?

-2 days off work can I claim this?

-2 x pirelli tyres which are saturated now and I dont want to use them can I go for this aswell? (the lady on the complaints line did say put it down)

-This has gone on for 12 months and the zed has essentially been exposed to damp/moisture etc unnecessarily and will continue to until the weather dependent day arrives which by the looks of it will be same time as before March 2015 so 1 year and 8 months paying full rent with a leaking roof until repaired

-Anything else?


How much of the above are they likely to agree to? or should I just get my solicitor involved to deal with it?

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As bloody annoying as I'm sure my statement is about to be, I'm not sure you can claim for anything?


No damage has been caused - or at least you haven't supplied any evidence of it?

You haven't had to spent any money because of their actions or negligence?

Taking time off work didn't cost you any loss of wages?


What exactly do you want to claim for? The closest I think you could possibly get is compensation for breach of contract, but that assumes the roof-repair you mention at the start was contractual and obligatory on their part?

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I had to buy a cover for the zed to stop the water splashing up the side of it but see where you are coming from, I get paid hourly so it cost me two days work which I thought was ok providing I got my roof fixed and zed is in dry area.

Regards to evidence no one has asked to see any of it i have photos etc

I dont feel I should be paying full rent for a garage that leaks, would you pay full rent on a flat which roof leaks? agreement states safe secure dry garage, roof repairs are all down to them

hmmm maybe il ask my solicitor

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As bloody annoying as I'm sure my statement is about to be, I'm not sure you can claim for anything?


No damage has been caused - or at least you haven't supplied any evidence of it?

You haven't had to spent any money because of their actions or negligence?

Taking time off work didn't cost you any loss of wages?


What exactly do you want to claim for? The closest I think you could possibly get is compensation for breach of contract, but that assumes the roof-repair you mention at the start was contractual and obligatory on their part?

I was going to post pretty much that, exactly word for word. Great post. :thumbs:


Why did you carry on paying full rent on a garage that was leaking? Why did you not do anything between Dec 13 and Mar 14? Did you not think of testing it with a hose before it started raining again?


However, this isn't going to go to court at this point hence you have an internal claim form. I would suggest that asking for 1/3 of the rent you paid between the original repair (not when you faulted it) and when it gets fixed would be reasonable. You don't have a lot else to go on, I'm afraid.

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ah thats a shame was going for the big pay out :lol: they sent me the form so thats why I was a bit confused,

I carried on paying because im keeping my end of the bargain if i stopped paying I thought they wouldnt fix it and also I wouldnt have a leg to stand on, Ive done the right thing they havent, 2 wrongs dont always make a right.

I didnt do anything between December and March because we were in the middle of floods etc and the roof being repaired was weather dependant - what could i do? and no one had contacted me to say it has been repaired so imo its still leaking, i checked the garage regulary during this time to keep an eye on the zed etc and when hadnt heard from them in March i inquired

They said it was repaired and ok from March. it was blazing sun and assumed they fixed what they are meant to, but also HA said they should have carried out an internal water test not me as its not my job to be on the roof. Neither were done by me or them so she said in theory its not completed then as its not signed off by there safety people

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