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Explain your username


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Two old nicknames bolted together. When I set up my internet account and started playing online games back in 95/96, I picked that as a username.


My main initials are PG and on an occasion way back in school when the initials were embroidered onto the front of my rugby shirt, I managed to get a white strip from the line markings between the P and the G. Hence PiG. And as my first name is Pete, an old girlfriend used to bat my name about ... Pete, Petey, Feet, Feety ... Foetus. As I am a fan of J.G. Thirlwell (of Foetus fame) too ... the last one stuck.


So, PiGFoetus. My other main username and xbox live tag is TinyTwerp, which is another story.

Edited by PiGFoetus
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  On 03/11/2014 at 21:27, Harryjax said:
  On 03/11/2014 at 21:21, glrnet said:
  On 03/11/2014 at 21:09, Harryjax said:




You know I remember telling you.


If you spill the beans. You will always be referred to as Garreth. :lol:

Your secret is safe with me!!! :lol:
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  On 03/11/2014 at 21:27, Harryjax said:
  On 03/11/2014 at 21:21, glrnet said:
  On 03/11/2014 at 21:09, Harryjax said:




You know I remember telling you.


If you spill the beans. You will always be referred to as Garreth. :lol:

Only one "r" in Gareth.


I should know it's my name. :surrender::lol:

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My username is my name - Wow - revalation there !!!.


Personally I find it a pain - you get to know someone's username - then rarely their real name, or if you do you don't connect the two.

Or is that just me ? Anyway I find one name hard enough to remember so I just like to keep it simple.


I have masses of different passwords - if that makes up for it !! None of which I remember though !!! :-)

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  On 03/11/2014 at 21:41, GMballistic said:
  On 03/11/2014 at 21:27, Harryjax said:
  On 03/11/2014 at 21:21, glrnet said:
  On 03/11/2014 at 21:09, Harryjax said:




You know I remember telling you.


If you spill the beans. You will always be referred to as Garreth. :lol:

Only one "r" in Gareth.


I should know it's my name. :surrender::lol:


Sorry Granville. :lol:

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I am one of the many Chris' on here. Most people on here are infact Chris it seems, but sometimes under stealthy usernames. I chose to display my Chris to the world and make it B. My surname starts with a B so I wasn't actually that imaginative..

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  On 03/11/2014 at 21:57, ChrisB said:

I am one of the many Chris' on here. Most people on here are infact Chris it seems, but sometimes under stealthy usernames. I chose to display my Chris to the world and make it B. My surname starts with a B so I wasn't actually that imaginative..

and there's me thinking B is for bar steward ;)

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Mudman is a result of spending the last four years working in Papua New Guinea. I was lucky enough to visit the village of the Asaro Mudmen who wear masks a bit like my pic. Legend has it that they were defeated by an enemy tribe and forced to flee into the Asaro River. They waited until dusk before attempting to escape. The enemy saw them rise from the muddy banks covered in mud and thought they were spirits. Most tribes in Papua New Guinea are very afraid of spirits, so the enemy fled in fear, and the Asaro escaped. They then went into the village to see what had happened, not knowing the enemy tribesmen were still there. The enemy were so terrified they ran back to their village and held a special ceremony to ward off the spirits. The mudmen could not cover their faces because legends say that the people of Papua New Guinea thought that the mud from the Asaro river was poisonous. So instead of covering their faces with this alleged poison, they made masks from pebbles that they heated and water from the waterfall, with unusual designs such as long or very short ears either going down to the chin or sticking up at the top, long joined eyebrows attached to the top of the ears, horns and sideways mouths.


When not terrifying the other tribes, the Mudmen are accomplished farmers and grow crops such as coffee, bananas, sweet potato and peanuts plus a lot more. So next time your enjoying a Grande Latte in Starbucks its possible the beans were grown by a Mudman!


The Mudmen display at regional does or 'Sing-Sings' all over Png and are not one of the normal loud groups - they move silently and deliberately - some people find it quite eerie. I also have a full size mudman helmet which I may start bringing to meets ! Below is a video I took of the Mudmen who are summoned by the head of the village using fire and smoke


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Suits took the micky out of my surname and called me alivegirl, I thought it was funny but I didn't want to be bombarded by people like gm thinking I was female. So I became aliveboy. I've been meaning to change it for months, I just don't know what the new one should be :lol:

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  On 03/11/2014 at 23:23, AliveBoy said:

Suits took the micky out of my surname and called me alivegirl, I thought it was funny but I didn't want to be bombarded by people like gm thinking I was female. So I became aliveboy. I've been meaning to change it for months, I just don't know what the new one should be :lol:



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  On 03/11/2014 at 23:23, AliveBoy said:

Suits took the micky out of my surname and called me alivegirl, I thought it was funny but I didn't want to be bombarded by people like gm thinking I was female. So I became aliveboy. I've been meaning to change it for months, I just don't know what the new one should be :lol:

You'd be so lucky to have me flirt with you. :winkiss::wiggle:

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