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Completely fed up of British Gas


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I really don't know how much more stupidity I can take from British Gas :rant: I have set up a direct debit with them TWICE now to pay for my gas and electricity and they still haven't taken any money from my account but keep sending me threatening emails instead. The latest one sets out the what they are going to charge me if I don't contact them. But I have contacted you, you bl**dy idiots :angry: I've contacted you three times now and every time you assure me that you have my details and that payment will be taken from my bank and tell me I don't need to do anything.


What now? We are going back to Madrid tomorrow so I guess I will have to spend all my time in the airport trying (and probably failing) to get through to them as they will be 'experiencing unusually high volumes of calls'. Unexpected? That alone shows what idiots they are. I even sent them an email this morning, only to have an immediate automatic response pop into my in box telling me that they were 'experiencing high numbers of customers contacting them'. Oh, really. I wonder why that could be?


Has anyone ever found a way of dealing with them that results in a satisfactory outcome? If so, please let me know. Thank you :)

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It's not just British Gas! It seems to have become a modern day culture thing that all companies have stupid answerphone messages with every option but the one you want, and it's nigh on impossible to speak to a real person anymore!

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Hey twobears......... chill out will ya! :dance:

What with this and your wheel issue you're gonna do yerself a mischief!!

Get packed ready for tomorrow, then relax, go and sit down and have a nice glass of wine....or two :drunk:

As long as you've evidence that direct debits are in place and that you have emailed them, you cant do any more......forget it!

Enjoy your trip .......reassess the situation on your return.

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Thanks everyone. You are right 350zedd, I do seem to have let myself get wound up this past few days :blush: I think the third bad thing has just happened (cooker light bulb just gone pop and is still refusing to work despite me changing both bulbs and checking fusebox :wacko: ) so I'm going to get the Sunday papers and chill for a while. Wine may be taken with lunch, or before if I deem it necessary :lol:

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Ah my area of expertise!


BG are generally seen as okay for customer service but things always fall through the cracks. I'd imagine there is something in the industry data for your account that needs cleaning up. Are you using a standard UK bank? Just thinking if you're living in Spain there maybe something strange with the DD request (not my area of expertise though).


If you just ring up the standard number its pot luck whether you get a CSA who knows what they are doing. Follow the official complaints procedure outlined below (you're already on step 2) and you'll get to deal with people who should have a more knowledge about the system. After 8 weeks you can then take it to Ombudsman. As compliant handling is a big thing in the industry right now, its been actively monitored by OFGEM, if you send something to the official complaints team it should be treated fairly quickly as it will be added to there complaints stats.


There is a phone number to call, but best practice is to send a letter headed 'COMPLIANT' recorded delivery and note down the times of any contact you have with the supplier. As your leaving the country I'd recommend calling the complaints team today asking them to put a stop on the account so no further letters/bills etc. are created until the compliant is sorted. As a stop gap you could pay some money up front to cover a few months worth of missed DD's. Not ideal for you but it should stop the letters whilst the compliant is investigated. You can also ask for good will gesture if its BG fault, won't amount to much though!



Edited by Randy_Baton
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Ask for some money off when you write to them too. Not like a milliion quid, just try and squeeze 50 quid out of them for the hassle they've put you through and to stop you going to Johnny Other Gas Supplier. Always worth an ask on a complaint, but be specific in the amount, so they know how much to give you to settle the matter.



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