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Just got one!

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  On 14/10/2014 at 00:09, GMballistic said:

Welcome aboard HM and hope you enjoy your new Zed. B)


At least you know who to chase up if something goes wrong. Make sure you get that warranty from your Dad. :lol:;)


Inheritance. He's got me by the short and curlys on that one!



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Thanks for the welcomes! :)


Pick it up in a few weeks as the old boy has gone on holiday!


  On 14/10/2014 at 10:57, Wayne370Z said:

Welcome. Wish my dad would have had a 350Z, when I was younger, only car I ever managed to buy cheap off him was an Austin Ambassador .... :yuck:


I'm glad I wasn't old enough to drive when mine had an Austin Princess, that car was wrong on so many levels! :lol:


He's just turned 70, so I convinced him his sports car days were over :teeth:



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