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Zed drifter parts??


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Hi all


I'm looking a buying another zed. My plans are to use the zed as weekend blaster and drift car.

I just need to budget .

I will be buying a MPS steering kit as I won't be able to get a second hand set. But the main question is how often do 2 way diff come up for sale ?


Any help appreciated.

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I started to learn in a completely standard 350, wobbly suspension and all. As Docwra says, the standard LSD is pretty good, just make sure it has decent oil in it :)


Obviously it depends on your skill level, but I personally wouldn't say big steering lock is high on the list for the Z as it's not bad to start with. I'm certainly no pro, but I've never found myself struggling for lock.

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That's what Bizz has for his steering angle on the LSZ, IIRC he said it wasn't actually that impressive what it added, so much so he's planning on making his own kit I believe.


Edit: Having said that, it's not a bad price for a punt if you do need it.


This is my standard lock, never measured it though, so I can't help with how much it actually is:



Edited by AliveBoy
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I'm running a welder, it's only an issue when parking or mini roundabouts really. My LSD was getting more like an open diff when it was hot as I needed to change the oil but I had a great offer for swapping my spare open for a welder so I just did that as it was free. Still NA, I'd love a supercharger but money is the issue :lol:

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  On 10/10/2014 at 10:25, stichy said:

The ones I've used just extend the trow off the rack. It won't effect anything else.

  On 10/10/2014 at 10:26, stichy said:

Might make the steering a bit faster. But only slightly.


good to know, thanks... my car is not dedicated to drift, so dont want to screw up the car

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  On 10/10/2014 at 10:26, stichy said:

Might make the steering a bit faster. But only slightly.




Rack spacers are generally acknowledged as the easiest way to get more lock without having to start messing with knuckles and offset arms and stuff, and while the spatndard lock is OK for drifting its not the greatest by any means.


If you want some then buy these: http://www.driftworks.com/driftworks-geomaster-offset-rack-spacers.html :bunny:

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