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Clever tax disc


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Well after a couple of years of faithful service stuck to my windscreen, my trusty 350z tax disc holder decided this evening to unstick itself and fall on the floor, merely days after the new rules meant you don't have to display a tax disc any more.


Message received tax disc, my windscreen does look a lot better without you in bottom corner... clever tax disc!


so, one 350z tax disc holder, free to a good home? :lol:

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  On 08/10/2014 at 18:58, GMballistic said:

Just use them as a beer coaster. :thumbs:


Still yet to take mine out but it runs out next month so thought I'd leave it till then. ;)




Split them and put some of this ^^^^^ on the bottom then add a drink of your choice. (Rum & Coke for me :teeth: )

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Just tried taxing mine online...........and they came back with......ITS NOT MOTED.......runs out in 5 days time.....now the recorded voice has told me to go down to the post office and do it there..........what a load of......poppycock lol

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  On 11/10/2014 at 16:39, JEMAN said:

Just tried taxing mine online...........and they came back with......ITS NOT MOTED.......runs out in 5 days time.....now the recorded voice has told me to go down to the post office and do it there..........what a load of......poppycock lol


thats odd...your mot is still valid

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  On 11/10/2014 at 16:39, JEMAN said:

Just tried taxing mine online...........and they came back with......ITS NOT MOTED.......runs out in 5 days time.....now the recorded voice has told me to go down to the post office and do it there..........what a load of......poppycock lol


Your MOT must be valid when the new tax comes into affect, not when you actually tax it. Does that change anything?

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  On 11/10/2014 at 16:51, Martinjj said:

Quality idea, gonna keep my eyes out for a June 66.... or a July 66 when England won the world cup...

Just had a look on eBay out of interest, ....you wouldn't believe how many people are trying to cash in on this tax disc thing. :scare:


People selling 2014/2015 as rare collectable discs already. :lol:


Quite a few vintage ones on there so if you look I'm sure you'll find a 1966 disc with the dates you want. :thumbs:

Link: http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR5.TRC2.A0.H0.Xold+tax+disc&_nkw=old+tax+disc&_sacat=0

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  On 13/10/2014 at 07:28, djb55 said:
  On 08/10/2014 at 20:26, JetSet said:

Seems a shame to throw it away. Maybe someone could come up with a club logo that'd fit in there :) .





Was thinking along the same lines myself Pete

A gentleman by the name of Ebized suggested this in the team area 6 or 7 weeks back.

Not sure of the demand, but suggested twice on this thread. :thumbs:

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