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Getting emotional about saying goodbye


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I've been for a long drive tonight and am feeling quite emotional about having to say goodbye to my favourite car ever, later on this week :byebye: I am hoping that I will love my new Fiesta but I am slightly worried that I will miss Mr Zedders more than is healthy. I know it is the sensible decision because I really can't get him in the garage and my stupid neighbours all seem to have dyspraxia so, sooner or later, someone will take a chunk out of my car and I will want to smack them :angry:


I let Mr Two Bears drive for a couple of hours and he got out saying that he was 'tired' and 'his legs hurt' and, when I laughed, he muttered something under his breath about me 'obviously being twice the man he was' :wacko: He is getting another Land Rover in the fullness of time, an automatic and something that he can trundle round happily in because that is what suits him but I really feel that Zed suits me and my way of driving. On the odd occasion that I have managed to drive on a track I have always felt that Mr Zedders and I somehow became one. He is like a big, powerful horse in many ways. Ok, I'll get me coat :surrender:

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Aw Graham, don't say that :( I am no stranger to crap decisions regarding cars. I bought an elderly P38 once and lasted less than a week before deciding that I could not drive (wallow) another foot in the horrible thing and I have only had the car I'm driving now for 10 weeks so I am losing loads of money on it but I just can't get on with something so underpowered. Whenever I try to make a 'sensible', 'grown up' decision it seems to backfire. Maybe I am just immature?


Bockaaarck, I have always kept my little "Two Bears" cardboard name from Wales in Mr Zed and will be taking it out and saving it :teeth:

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Mm, I will hang around on the forum yay :teeth: /boo :wacko: , but I am getting even more misty eyed about Mr Zedders now and can't seem to stop myself going over to the window to take yet another look at him every few minutes. Maybe once he's gone I will feel more settled? At least my new car is in a beautiful blue as well and I am sure that there will be fun to be had with it. I was watching reviews of the ST3 last night and the reviewers seemed to be enjoying themselves for the most part. I just wish I knew how I was going to feel once I had made the swap. Maybe I am worrying unnecessarily? I just keep remembering what it is like to drive Mr Z on a track and it makes me sad that I will probably never get the chance again :(


Sorry, I really must shut up and stop whinging on now. Let this be my final 'woe is me post' :blush:

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Even though you can get another one will you feel the same as you do about your current Z Should you miss it and decide to buy another?


I sold my Skyline a few years back and I was gonna buy another before getting my Z but I can't find anything that comes close to the car I had... even though there are some better spec ones in my price range. So I really regret selling it in the first place :(

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Even though you can get another one will you feel the same as you do about your current Z Should you miss it and decide to buy another?


I sold my Skyline a few years back and I was gonna buy another before getting my Z but I can't find anything that comes close to the car I had... even though there are some better spec ones in my price range. So I really regret selling it in the first place :(


I promised that I had made my last 'sad and emotional' post so please note that I currently have my fingers stuffed in my ears and am singing, "Can't hear you, can't hear you" :wacko:

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