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I've had it with this mother f***ing snake in this mother f***ing car


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Not quite as disastrous as the situation in snakes on a plane, but its annoying the hell out of me.


Every now and then a hear a hissing coming from underneath the car, it sounds like pssssttttttt......psssssssstttt.......pssst...pssssssssstttt, I could go on all day, its not really that loud but you can really hear it when you pull along side a wall with the window down.


Any ideas what it could be, my only thought is a blowing exhaust, I've never actually heard one myself but I can't think of much else. At first I thought I had a deflating tyre, that should give you an idea of the sound.


What could it be?



Edited by liamgdr
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Could be a small leak in the exhaust, I'd think that's most likely if its coming from under the car.

At a guess, I'd say it could be a leak in the flexible joints in the Y-Pipe. If it is the exhaust then the other option will be between the pipe joins.

You'd need to get it up in the air to know for sure but that would be my guess.

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