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Last thing you need when you cant sleep


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Is a fookin massive spider running around your bed. Just been tossing and turning unable to sleep then something brushes past my arm, see it dart behind mattress. Spring up the critter's doing laps around the mattress, too fast to catch!


Dont get me wrong I dont dislike spiders but the last thing I want is that running round my bed whilst I try and sleep.


Off downstairs I go as cant catch it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Used to dislike spiders until I had a few stints working in Australia and South Africa.

In one 'guest house' in SA I had a couple of big critters that liked to visit during the night. Spoke to a local who explained that this variety of spider would not kill me so not to worry - then added that that they had killed a couple of her cats! I am then thinking that OK they may not kill me but if the venom is enough to kill a cat then it is going to damn well hurt!! Ended up doing a bug hunt every night before bed and then stuffing towels around the bottom of the ill fitting door.

Also 'terminated' a rather large centipede that was climbing around my room overnight whilst working in Bermuda. Spoke to guest house landlady next morning who assured me that they did not have those on Bermuda. When I showed her the now deceased offender she said she had lived there all her life and had never seen one of those ...wtf!


So no need to worry about the little insects we have here ..........

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I know the feeling though, i don't dislike spiders but sometimes you can get a house spider that's so big, that when it runs on a tiled floor it sounds as if Fred Astair is tap dancing like a world champion. Always makes me think of some stupid statistic which goes something like, " did you know that in your life time, you'll swallow 8 spiders in your sleep?" yeah, that's going to help sleep away the fear.

Edited by Rock_Steady
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Yeah but the cats just play with them, what if they bring one to your bed and it's not dead??? :surrender:


Exactly that, Daisy the plays with the mouse, the mouse is petrified and tortured to death.


Many a time she brings in live mice.


Since we moved 8 weeks ago we must have received 20+ mice as "gifts" from our beloved cat. Some dead some alive. She thinks its great fun.

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Yeah but the cats just play with them, what if they bring one to your bed and it's not dead??? :surrender:


Exactly that, Daisy the plays with the mouse, the mouse is petrified and tortured to death.


Many a time she brings in live mice.


Since we moved 8 weeks ago we must have received 20+ mice as "gifts" from our beloved cat. Some dead some alive. She thinks its great fun.

Better than having a daughter who brings 20+ guys home each week :lol:
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I also like spiders...don't bother me at all, trouble is the wife doesn't to the extent that if she spots a spider anywhere in the bedroom or bathroom she has me balancing on bits of furniture trying to catch them...not fun when you just want to climb into bed and sleep,

however probably quite amusing when I have just got undressed.. and I'm bolock naked perched on a chest of draws trying to pounce on an unsuspecting spider.. :lol:

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I think a shadowy figure holding a machete at the end of the bed may just have the edge on a spider being the worst thing ....

Would gladly take this over a spider...


no wonder your single, theres you screeching standing on a sofa and a girl with a paper and a glass thinking For crying out loud :lol:

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