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Why are women not perverts?


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Just nipped across to the quaint cafe over the road to grab a naughty sausage sandwich for lunch and whilst waiting browsed the Daily Mail...there was an article about the number of teachers prosecuted for 'misbehaving' with children at the schools in the UK (28 last year by all accounts). There was a picture of a good looking leggy blonde who apparently engaged in a relationship with a minor at an all girls school - not once was the word 'pervert' used, whenever I see the male equivalent its used pretty much every other word.


She is as much a pervert as an guy doing the same to a minor male or female - but its never reported that way in the press.


Just an observation...just seems odd.

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I don't know if this is just me but when I went to comprehensive school (1990's onwards) I remember all the teachers where aged something like 30-40/50 somethings but nowadays it seems the teachers are all really young with a lot of them being under 30.


My work colleague actually commented the same thing the other week after he met his sons new female teacher for the first time. She's like 25 or something and gorgeous apparently. :blush: Goodness knows how the horny teenagers are going to concentrate. :lol:

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Just nipped across to the quaint cafe over the road to grab a naughty sausage sandwich for lunch and whilst waiting browsed the Daily Mail...there was an article about the number of teachers prosecuted for 'misbehaving' with children at the schools in the UK (28 last year by all accounts). There was a picture of a good looking leggy blonde who apparently engaged in a relationship with a minor at an all girls school - not once was the word 'pervert' used, whenever I see the male equivalent its used pretty much every other word.


She is as much a pervert as an guy doing the same to a minor male or female - but its never reported that way in the press.


Just an observation...just seems odd.


Could it be because journalism is a male dominated profession?

Edited by sipar69
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I've never been hit on as a teacher,


But that's because I'm ugly :lol:

but I bet you've been hit :headhurt:

been threatened a couple of times, but I generally can't take a 15 year old seriously when they try to be threatening. Its like watching a care bear get angry.


Spent some of my career working in a PRU. So generally these days there isn't a lot that phases me.

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Getting back to the original musing...


It is strange that it doesn't seem to be regarded anything like as seriously when a female teacher seduces a pupil.


There used to be a female stand up comedian on the circuit who became a comedian when she was discovered having an affair with a pupil at her school - just got asked to leave, no disciplinary, no police, no sex offenders register - she used to talk about it in her act.


I know one thing, if there had of been any hot female teachers at my school and they'd have come on to me - I'd have kept the secret if they ever asked me to 'show them where she touched me on the doll' !



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