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Another "what car" thread


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Not had one of these for a while :lol:


So I'm looking to upgrade the wife's Mazda 3 sport saloon. Looking for something with a more exec feel to it, 4/5 doors, preferably a saloon, good economy, up to 4k, don't mind a high miler, 2005 earliest


I had mentioned an alfa 159 but drove one the other day and wasn't overly impressed. Liked the weight of the steering wheel, the way it looks, comfy seats. But I don't know, there was something about it I couldn't put my finger on. Iv not ruled it out but it's no longer top of the list


Second option was the previous audi a4 (2006 model) which feels way more solid than the alfa but it's a bit dated looking and the interior is really bland. Iv also heard about issues with turbos on them. Again not ruled out but I'm not sure on it. These were the 2 I had narrowed it down to but I went back to the drawing board


I had a look at a Volvo s40 sport today. Love the exterior looks and inside the floating dash is pretty cool. Comfy seats, nice clunk when you close the doors but felt very grandad inside. She's 30, I'm 31 but I felt 51 sitting in it. Wanted to like it but I'm not sure


I would've preferred a front wheel drive car while she's taking the wee one out and about but I couldn't think of anything else that would work. A few VWs could've but they just don't do it for me


I'm now leaning towards an IS220d. Wanted to avoid a RWD but I can't look past the quality of the interior, the amount of extras, looks, badge and value for money. There's a good few well under 4k. I'm thinking with winter tyres in the next few months and some driving pointers that she will manage fine in the colder months. Anything else I look at I'm now comparing to this and nothing comes close


Sorry for the long spiel but anything else I should look at? What's your thoughts of a slightly less confident driver in a RWD car?

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In a bmw or mercedes or similar if it's for your wife (assuming she isn't a girl racer) she could drive a m5 and wouldn't know it. My mum has drove rwd's forever and my brothers wife has a 330d and is fine. Both have driven my car and large engined bmw/mercs in the past and honestly had no problems. Winter tyres are put on as soon as temp drop though.


BMW's are more driver focused than lexus and 4k wont get you a nice c class. Plus you can't beat Japanese reliability. For that price nothing would compare specs wise to that. A Honda accord is the closest thing with the 2.2 cdti engine but it's a bit grandadish too.

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My wife is using our BMW 335i as her daily for the last 12 months. She has no clue about FWD/RWD, and is a she fine with the car. I stick on a set of winter tyres/wheels as soon as frost appears......But in 24 months of driving I managed to collect 1 minor kerb on the wheels now just about every wheel is now kerbed to death :)

Edited by gangzoom
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She's not a girl racer lol so I'm sure she will be fine. Looked at e90 bmws but it would need to be an m sport and even at that the spec is poor compared to the lexus. Same with c class- would need to be an amg sport


I drive the family car as well and you all know how fussy I am :lol:


I used to like the accord dblock but it's getting dated as well. And even in a top of the range with high spec feels inferior to other cars


I wish I wasn't so fussy :lol:

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Worth a try lol. They are good enough cars im just fussy


My wife's also fussy she said she refuses to drive a Volvo so thankfully I didn't like it. I suggested the previous 1 series a few months back and she said that's the ugliest car on the road, on par with a mini clubman


Showed her the lexus today and she likes how it looks, liked the fact it looks more compact than the 159


I can't see past it now, nothing in this budget comes close

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All too big mate. The x type is the only one if consider from that list but it's waaaaayy to grandad for me :lol:


The lexus is a good size. She's gone yaris, a3 to Mazda saloon. Steady progression so far don't wanna hit her with an A8 just yet :lol:

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Cadillac is different hadn't thought of that. Heard mixed reviews on them but love how they look


Thought of the Saab 93 the facelift looks good but she doesn't like it plus the interior isn't anywhere near as good as the lexus


Not a fan of skoda interiors- vw are bland enough :lol:

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Love the a3 as does she, but 3 door isn't an option and I can't get on with the rear if the sport back


I apologise for being a fusspot :lol:


The new a3 saloon is a cool car, I think that will be her next one down the line

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That cop car is quality! She would get arrested tho if I came home with that- cos she would actually kill me :lol:


Scooby is a no no. Mazda isn't a bad shout but too heavy on fuel, her current 3 sport is bad enough. Rust tends to be an issue with mazdas as well


I was looking seriously at the a4 s line but the shape after that. But iv been advised against them



I can't think of anything that comes close to the lexus for what we need/want in this price bracket. So much car for the money

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  On 14/09/2014 at 07:39, LRF4N said:

I can't think of anything that comes close to the lexus for what we need/want in this price bracket. So much car for the money

Did see a few nice Lexus motors on Autotrader last night but didn't link them because I wanted to put something different to what you had looked at.


Sounds like it's going to be a Lexus then. ;)

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