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POLL - Which iPhone you're getting (if you got a new one)


Which iPhone you're getting?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Which iPhone you're getting?

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Still a ton of Apple reality-distortion field spin going on around here I see.


The 5c was going to "crush Android at the low end"... A year later it's effectively dropped.


The Galaxy S3 of 2.5 years ago has almost exactly the same size, shape, weight, screen, RAM, battery as the iPhone 6.


iPad sales are falling. Not just market share, actual numbers of units.


Outside of English speaking countries and Japan, iOS has bugger all market share.


Interest in iPhone launches (measured by Google searches and market share) peaked in 2011/2012.


Apple is going revolutionise payments? Hmmm, less than 1 in 6 people in the UK/US own iPhones and market share is drifting down. Are retailers going to spend a fortune upgrading all their tills just for Apple's proprietary system (from which they naturally take a cut)?


Apple can't even design cables that last more than 3 weeks...


If people want to buy their stuff that's fine, it's just they still insist on telling everyone about it ad nauseam as if the majority of the population give a monkey's.

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Samsung would give their left testicle for half of the media coverage that Apple get.


I think you under estimate just how big Apple products are in the US. They're everywhere. If Apple can make NFC payments popular there, they'll spread over here and then everyone (Apple, Android, Windows) will benefit.


Don't talk such guff about the cables. At least Apple have bothered inventing a cable that can be used either side, which makes it much easier to use. USB still isn't there!

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  On 20/09/2014 at 08:20, octet said:
I'm in love with my new iPhone, good decision getting the standard 6, the 6 plus is just stupidly big.


How to you find the screen Ady, obviously bigger is better but a bit disappointed that it is not full HD... same resolution as the 5s so being bigger more pixelated? :shrug:


Agree about the 6+ will leave that for poseurs like Dan, hopefully it will fit in his handbag ok...

Edited by spursmaddave
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Despite the appalling customer service with EE, Orange used to be fairly good, I'm going to wait as I'm only half way through a 2year contract but will almost certainly buy outright and migrate to 3. As Doogyrev says there will probably be a 6s by them and there isn't enough "carrot" for me to jump from the 5s just yet.



Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear

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