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HFC's and MOT's


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In October I'm going to have my zed upreved. I'm also going to put a cobra exhaust and y pipe on.


Horsham developments also suggested fitting some HFC's. My question is firstly are they worth the money(not sure of their cost) for a very small gain? Secondly does fitting these cause problems with MOT emissions?


I'm not looking for huge mods. My question is would a cobra and an uprev be worth doing? I going with cobra as I like the sound/price/reviews! They did recommend miltek as well.

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Miltek with standard CATs will give you a whisper queit exhaust note. With HFCs the exhaust note is totally transformed and gives (IMHO) the ideal note/balance. Quiet at motorway cruise, purposeful on tickover and great on acceleration.


There can be emission problems unless you get the CATS properly warmed up first, but they do pass the MOT without major issues (well mine has twice and others will comment appropriately!).



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if you get HFCs you'll pass an MOT according to many on this forum, who have put HFCs on their zeds, and had MOTs with successful results. Will you get more power? NO, if you haven't gone through the process of a REVUP re-map. What most do, is put on a plenum spacer, HFCs, new exhaust system, Velocity stacker in the cold air box with a new filter. With these modifications combined and a REVUP re-map, you can get significant gains for an N/A engine. Some people get an increase of 15hp, if you're super lucky you'll get 25-30hp. Yes the car sounds different with HFCs i.e. louder. I have done all of the above except the re-map. The Cobra exhuast sounds fantastic iMO, especially with the HFCs. Hope this helps.

Edited by Rock_Steady
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Tbh the exhausts all sound the same to me lol. I'm going to stick with my standard cats and just go for a bbox and ypipe with cobra! Anyone got a cobra and been happy/unhappy?


I just fitted a Cobra Sport back box with a custom made resonate centre pipe and standards cats, sounds really good


maybe a bit quiet, my upgrade the cats in the future, but happy for now. :thumbs: :thumbs:

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