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Euro Road Trip 2014 - Write Up & Photos


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The Plan


Saturday - 24Hr Ferry from Portsmouth to Santander


Sunday - Santander to Biescas via Pamplona - Lots of twisty roads and nice scenery



Monday - Biescas to Fornells de la Muntanya via N260, and a quick detour to Andorra - Lots and lots of twisty roads and very nice scenary



Tuesday - Fornells de la Muntanya to Nice - nice start to the day, then slog along m-way to Nice. Visit Monaco in the evening.



Wednesday - Nice to Saint Etienna de Cuines via Route Napoleon



Thursday - Saint Etienna de Cuines to Fiesch via so many awesome mountain passes I'm not going to list them!



Friday - Fiesch to Strasbourg via even more mountain passes



Saturday - Strasbourg to the Nurburgring via a couple of German national parks



Sunday - Ring Taxi, Suzuki Swift Rental, EuroTunnel, Home, Sleeeeeep



Commander's Log


Day 0


It's the night before departure, I've got the sh**s, I've been sick, I can't find my frigging locking wheel nut, the prospect of an 0430 alarm is not filling me with joy, and I'm seriously considering not going.



Day 1


Hit the road at 5am after a lemsip breakfast, still not knowing if the Lotus is even ready, or if I'm really up to driving. The Milltek cat-back exhaust I fitted a couple of days earlier had better still be attached to the car, though I'm not really 100% given that it has barely had a 5 minute test drive since fitting. The drive down to Winchester Tesco was uneventful and I met up with the M3 first, followed shortly by the A3, and finally a REALLY LOUD RX8 and a beautiful blue Elise, freshly painted with a 220-ish BHP Honda engine and gearbox dropped in. He didn't leave the garage until about 1am, and now he's here for a road-trip across Europe. The Elise gets my money as a contender for 'first breakdown'.


We convey it from Winchester to the port and board without too much faff, though my Zed (on standard springs and wheels) did scrap the zorst when boarding the boat. After some quick Google-based 350z-uk searching, I find out how to disable the alarm (key in, switch on/off three times, key out, then lock) so the motion of the boat doesn't upset it while we're sailing. Brilliant. We've got a cabin, the lemsip and other drugs are working a treat and the freshair sitting out on the helipad while we sail out around the Isle of Wight is doing me some good. I'm glad I came along after all.


I spoke to soon. We've barely sailed past Bournemouth and the boat's engine is FUBAR. Needs a new fuel pump and it'll take 9 hours to fix. NINE HOURS!!! We anchored off Bournemouth and started waiting. We managed to have enough 3G/4G coverage from shore to watch the F1 Qualifying, but it quickly became a very boring boat to be on.



Day 2


It's 4am and I've been up and down to the bog with the sh*ts all night. I can't stand it any longer and I pop an Imodium. It seemed a good idea at the time, but it took 6 days for it to wear off; I won't go in to the details. Watched the F1 race, in French, and what is there to say. Rosberg's a t**t. We arrived in to port 9 hours late and drove in to Spain. The delay meant the plans for our first day of driving were ruined and the b-road bonanza out of Santander was turned in to a dual-carriageway dawdle. We rolled in to the hotel at about 2330hrs and frankly, just wanted to sleep.


At least it was a quality establishment.



Day 3


Snoring is an evil affliction. I got very little sleep. I won't name and shame, but they drove a German car.


Up, showered, had a cracking breakfast, and we're off to start our way down Spain's famous N-260 road. If you ever get the chance, do it. Brilliant stretch of road and the driving rivals anything the Alps has to offer - excellent tarmac, very light traffic, warm, and lovely scenery. We weren't long in to the day though, when we hit our first problem.




Those of you that read last year's write up may remember a similar photo from the Swiss alps - but which car has broken down this time? The M3, of course. He'd reported an error on his dash yesterday, well today this turned in to a total failure of the SMG (gearbox) leaving him with no gears. This problem happened last year and it took us about 8 hours to fix. This time we came prepared with the right tools and spares and we had it fixed in about 20 minutes. The same 40Amp fuse that blew in the Alps last year, had just blown in the foothills of the Pyrenees. Fortunately he had a spare and after some ****-taking, we were on our way again. The N-260 just gets better and better the further east you go - the driving is great, the landscape is great, I may have to put it down as my best road in Europe. Towards the end of the day I'd pulled away from the convoy in some very twisty sections (the M3 driver is the fastest really, but he was stuck behind the RX8) to find this bad boy lurking around a corner... thank god for ABS!





It didn't seem best pleased that I was on "its" road, but I squeezed past and we all made it to the hotel in one piece. The yellow-stuff pads I'm running are struggling a bit with fading, and 'that' cooked brakes smell, but it is about 32 degrees outside and I'm giving them a VERY hard time, so at this point I'm hoping they'll do better as things cool down a bit.


We rock up at the hotel in one piece, with a cracking view down the mountain and some much needed ice cold beers.


Oops, did I say we ALL got to the hotel in one piece? The Lotus, back from a full re-spray on the day we left, wasn't entirely in one piece. After a questionable overtake of an RV, he 'grazed' some Armco with his lovely new paint... ouch! It wasn't that it was a particularly 'bad' overtake, just that we'd all noticed he didn't really seem to position his car on the road very well - always a bit too far to the left... So when he overtook the particularly wide RV on a particularly narrow bit of road lined with armco, well, it was never going to end well.




Day 4




Breakfast was an epic fest of cured meats and smoked cheese - cracking food - though not what my semi-immodium'd guts really needed I suspect.


We had a fairly early start as this was 'slog day'. A brilliant start as we finish the N-260 eastwards, followed by a long motorway slog from the north-east of Spain, over to Nice. The N-260 continued to amaze and we were more or less straight back in to the twisties, a brilliant mix of hair-pins, 90 degree bends, camber changes, deep gorges, rivers, bridges, and flowing sections - fantastico - I really can't say enough positive things about the N-260. We crossed the border in to France and it just got better - the road had recently been re-surfaced with what was effectively sand-paper... so much grip! This was the first really fast, really long, down-hill section and the Yellow Stuff's were cooked before I got even 1/2 way down. Perhaps that set of £3k Carbon Lorraine brakes on the M3 really were worth the money after all!


After a stop in a very pretty little village for a round of espressos and to swap stories about exactly how much grip that road had, it was time to enter 'slog mode' and make our way over to Nice. We've since concluded that French motorway drivers are the worst drivers in the world. Particularly those in red VW Golfs.


Nice was a mixed bag for me if I'm honest... Great town (city?) right on the Med, lots of culture, people, yachts, restaurants, etc... in theory a great place to stop, but as it turns out, Nice HATES cars. Especially cars like the Zed. Nice is a maze of one-way systems, traffic lights and horrific under-ground parking. We ended up in a car park called 'Mozart', a fairly new looking lump but it's REALLY not designed for cars as low as the Zed - and mine's still standard height. 4 floors down I had to park, so that's 4 lots of very painful, brand-new-Milltek-scraping ups and downs. Very ouch. Very unimpressed. I checked out the damage and it's 'only' the flexi sections that have taken some abuse, the rest looks fine fortunately.


Parking aside though, lovely place.





Day 5


Route Napolean day. The drive out of Nice was about as traumatic as the drive in, with awful car park, the one way systems and traffic lights everywhere, but once we escaped, wow. Climbing up the hillside away from Nice takes you through some lovely villages and the views out over the coast are brilliant, though there aren't many places to stop for photos unfortunately. As I write this, if I'm honest, I'm struggling to remember any really great bits of this drive. It was all "fine", but really, it doesn't compare at all to the Spanish roads before it, or the Alpine routes after it. The only realy surprise was just how fast a white diesel Megane can be when there's a local driving it who doesn't like being over taken, and who knows the roads far better than we do. He got overtaken anyway, but still, Route Napolean was a bit disappointing in retrospect.


We essentially stopped at a truck stop for the night. It wasn't pretty and the food was crap, but some french kid was chuffed to bits with all our cars in the car park, especially 'the blue ferrari'. I don't think anybody had the heart to correct him.



Day 6 / 7 / 8


It all gets a bit blurry here, but Alpine passes FTW. Having done Stelvio last year (which is pretty crap, by the way), we wanted to tick off some more, so we did Col De La Madeline, La Roserie, Grand St Bernard, Gran San Bernardo, Furka, Grimsel, Susten, Nufenen and Col Du Galibier. The latter being where these photos are from;








We finished day 7 in Strasbourg - brilliant old town and I'd recommend it to anybody that's after some culture, nice beer / coffee / food, etc. There are also some pretty decent stretches of de-restricted auto-bahn between Strasbourg and the Nurburgring. I wasn't daft enough to try to take a photo and we're supposed to be sensible, but lets just say there really wasn't very much speedo left for the needle to consume. Also, Ferrari F12s are FAST! They will leave a Zed for dead.


We finished day 8 in Nurburg. What a brilliant place. You can stand anywhere in town and hear all sorts of v6/8/10/12 monsters tearing about the ring and gp circuit - the hills were alive with the sound of petrol heads, and I loved it! We ate at the famous 'Piston Klause' restaurant that I gather is owned by Sabine Schmidt. If you ever go, order the steak. It comes out on a hot rock and you cook it yourself. They're not shy with the portions either - brilliant.


Day 9 was 'ring day. Up at the crack of dawn to pick up our 'Stage 2' Suzuki Swift Sports (gutted, caged, R888s, bucket seats, harnesses, ohlins, decent pads and fluids, different zorst). The 'ring is nothing like what you see on your playstation/xbox at all. We all drove a couple of laps and considering our lack of ring experience, we weren't doing a bad job of annoying the odd 911 or M3 driver, though the ring-taxi M5s and one particular GTR driver were really shifting. I thought I was done for the day with two laps under my belt but Mr Audi suggested I take him for one last lap. It was drying out nicely and I was putting together a decent lap until the very last corner. A little too much speed, a little off-line, some unexpected dampness, an off-camber corner before the start/finish straight and you can see where this is going... :-(




Understeered wide on the last corner at a fairly decent speed, hit the armco side-on, and pulled over somewhere while the marshalls inspected the damage to the track. Fortunately no damage to the armco and I was able to drive the car back to R4R, however there was significant damage to my wallet. The minimum excess on the car is €3500, so I had to cover the lot. Fortunately I've got the cash to cover this (just!), but let this be a lesson to you all! The other lesson is that you can argue the toss a bit - Mr M3 (my brother) managed to get about €300 knocked off to get us down to this price. Every little helps, I guess.


After this it was basiaclly a long-slog back home through Holland, Belgium and France, through the E* and back home for about midnight.


Brilliant trip, I'll be doing it again next year, although some driver training mods will be happening in the not too distant future - telling the Mrs I'd dropped £2k was even more painful than the bang its self! :(

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Not a bad looking little car, ...went well then Commander? I mean before you binned it of course. ;)


They were great little cars really - pretty low top end, but very well set up, very agile and they make a good noise for a small capacity 4-pot. I was half-tempted to buy the whole car from them and keep it as a tracker, but LHD and getting it back from Germany would have been a real ball ache. I was on for about a 10:30 lap I reckon, but it ended up more like 25 minutes by the time the marshalls had done their thing... oops!


Edit: This is how you're supposed to do it! (Same car as me, but about 90 seconds a lap faster)

Edited by Commander
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And a few more piccies...


Turns out the Lotus' front wheel arches weren't actually fixed with anything. Cable ties to the rescue.



Strasbourg Cathedral



The offending 40Amp fuse.



"Dat Ass" ? (Sorry, not very down the with the kids)



Bug splats everywhere - this Zed gets driven



Must... Not... Buy... Spacers!!!



~1000BHP in this photo.



Nice bit of greenery


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Thanks GMb - More pics to come.


Yes SuperStu - totally agree! I was trying to convince the guys they just weren't trying hard enough, but I'm not sure they believed me.


BulletMagnet - I *really* hated that car park - sorry about your skirts, but I'm kinda glad I wasn't the only one!

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Yeah, ended up in another one just a few streets away, underground one, but ramps weren't that steep



Think I saw you as you left?



Nah, you spotted me on a trip to Germany, the underground garage pic is from October 2013 when the missus and I were on our Honeymoon

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Sounds like a fab trip, am already planning our next driving holiday :)


Sad to hear your 'ring experience, glad at least the damage to the wallet was bearable. I seriously considered taking my car to the 'ring but after finding out no one would insure me to do even one lap in my own car gave up on the idea....and after reading your experience quite glad I did end up the 'ring!!

Edited by gangzoom
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