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I have a friend :)


His neighbour had a really yappy dog. It barked all day and it barked all night. My friend asked his neighbour several times if he could stop his dog from being so noisy, because it was disturbing his family and keeping people awake all night. The dog kept yapping.


One day my friend put the dog in his car and took it to Luton, which is quite a long way away. There, he released the dog, which went away yapping.


Problem solved and no harm done to the dog.


Of course, I'm not suggesting that this would be a good idea in your case. :ninja:


Fail to see how you can say no harm came to the dog when it has been dumped in an area it doesn't know, a long way from home and with it's owners having no idea where it is......


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Good sign he's getting his appetite back, looks like hes had a close call there, thats a dream setup for Tortoises i bet they love it in there, just out of curiosity do you bother hibernating them or put them under a lamp over winter?


Yes the tortoise area of our garden is rather varied with regard to textures and stimulation. As you can imagine it can prove difficult finding them each night, especially when it is dark. Although they both have a favourite hiding place!


We have been meaning to hibernate them for the last two years although we haven't as it is slightly daunting! The vet stressed last week that we must and will run through the process next week with us. Consequently they have been in the house during the winter period under a heat lamp and artificial lighting. They have an open pen/run as such and not an aquarium as we were informed that it was too hot and artificial, they were running around nonstop due to the heat!!


Do you have a tortoise yourself? Apologies if you have already stated so, have had a lot of responses :)

Edited by Ceejay29
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Not really had Tortoise's as such, for a number of years i was a member of The British Herpetological Society i just picked up info about them from there really (monthly newsletters etc), my bag for years was snakes (Boa's and Pythons), several years ago i gave them away and went to live in Spain for five years, while i was there a Spanish postman gave me two newly hatched Tortoise's (they were smaller than the top half of my thumb) which i kept in the garden in an area made for them and pretty much left them to it other than making sure water was available.


As i recall they hatched around this time of year, for the first winter i brought them inside and kept them in a vivarium under lamps, after that first winter they stayed outside year round and when the time came to hibernate they just sort of buried themselves into a mound of sand. I expected them to be really slow growing but by the time they were three years old they were 2/3's the size of my my hand. They will be a good ten years old now, when i left Spain the Postman took them to his sister's (thats where they originally came from), she and her hubby had a smallholding growing Oranges, Olives and Almonds and it was a magnet for Tortoises.

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