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No not the magic pills of the 70s and 90s, but the ones that give you that sideways pleasure in a RWD car.


In due course (not quite yet) I will want to change the diff. I'm thinking of a 1.5 way but some recommend 2-way with 25% lock (I think BMWs have those?). I do the occasional track day, and generally a lot of fast road driving (I don't really commute in London).


I think a 1.5way is probably the way to go as it offers a nice balance between hardcore 2-way and a slightly more understeery 1-way. Question is what sort of lock is needed in your opinions?

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Oh definitely, it's just my diff is starting to be poorly, and if I'm going to spend money on getting a replacement I quite like to upgrade stuff :D


I've generally always upgraded viscous diffs to clutch type as I find them more engaging when driving, and was curious as to what configuration people did here. :)

Edited by wmr1980
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