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Guns and children !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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They have the right to bear arms and the right arm bears. Their gun laws need some serious looking at. And they need to get over the stupid ammendment and stop bending it to suit gun lobbist ideas. It was created back in the war of independence to allow militia to be formed from local residents. They now have a massive army and no need for militia.


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  On 27/08/2014 at 09:04, rtbiscuit said:

They have the right to bear arms and the right arm bears. Their gun laws need some serious looking at. And they need to get over the stupid ammendment and stop bending it to suit gun lobbist ideas. It was created back in the war of independence to allow militia to be formed from local residents. They now have a massive army and no need for militia.


I believe it's also aimed at stopping those in power from becoming totalitarian and so the people have the power to rise up in the event of this.


It's archaic and wrong on so many levels.


The place is called "bullets and burgers" nuff said really.

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Im all for sensible people owning & using guns responsibly, but it really makes you wonder what they were thinking off letting a 9 year old kid have a go with an UZI like that. Its hardly wonder she wouldnt be able to handle the recoil & control it properly.

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They would say widespread gun ownership is part of their culture and history blah blah, but bear baiting, 'witch' burning and public beheading were part of our culture at one time. Time for a change but we all know it won't happen.

Edited by sipar69
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  On 27/08/2014 at 11:14, alexdax said:

why does anyone need a gun?



They don't but I have to say I've enjoyed shooting many times. It is a very enjoyable thing to do when done safely.


Unfortunately though in America it seems that they are some what lacking in common sense when it comes to guns & shooting. I mean letting a 9 year old girl shoot a fully automatic sub machine gun is just bonkers, ...most adults would struggle to control it & keep it on target as it has a vicious kick.


America ~ no drinking or smoking before 21years old, ...but here's a full auto machine gun at 9 years old so go have fun. :wacko:

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  On 27/08/2014 at 11:36, Ekona said:

Hands up if, as a nine year old boy, you'd have loved to shoot an Uzi?

well yes, of course


but thats what your parents and other responsible adults are for - they are supposed to say "Hell NO"

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  On 27/08/2014 at 11:36, Ekona said:

Hands up if, as a nine year old boy, you'd have loved to shoot an Uzi?


Definitely. But my parents who have developed some level of common sense at their age would rightly say 'dont be so bloody stupid'

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Tbh, I'm not seeing a huge amount wrong with it.


Given the context of their country, which is completely different to ours culturally with regards to guns, then really the only thing I can see wrong is that he didn't hold the gun with the child. Ultimately he's paid the price for that mistake, but I don't see anything wrong with getting children used to guns as long as you're teaching them a respect for them at the same time. Teach them how to use, how to control, how to be safe, but also teach them that they're f*cking dangerous.


I'd almost compare it to the way that I see no harm in giving kids small amounts of alcohol with meals from an early age, to build up their respect for booze. Shooting guns is fun, no doubts about that, so if you can teach them to do it in a controlled environment then why not?



The issue of whether guns should be as common as they are is another issue entirely, IHMO.

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I don't think an air rifle is really comparable to a proper firearm.;)


We don't know the back story here enough, really. If that was the first gun she's ever held, then that's utter stupidity. If she's grown up with guns and has happily fired most pistols then this may just have been the next step (giant leap?).

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  On 27/08/2014 at 12:18, Ekona said:
I don't think an air rifle is really comparable to a proper firearm.;)


We don't know the back story here enough, really. If that was the first gun she's ever held, then that's utter stupidity. If she's grown up with guns and has happily fired most pistols then this may just have been the next step (giant leap?).

She was probably born duel weilding a couple of desert eagles and firing rpg's at the age of 2.


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