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Going, going, possibly gone :(


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Well after just about getting near to where i want the car to be, it may have to go :(


I have a fantastic opportunity to build my own house, i have the land, planning permission but dont want to stretch myself to far on my monthly outgoings whilst i get it built.


So the sensible option is to sell up, use/have the money in reserve to make sure my monthly outgoings are covered and once its built, get rid of the specialist self build mortgage, re mortgage and get another car.


Also means i wont have to think were i can store the car as my current garage will go to make way for the new house, whilst building i probably wont get to use the car much anyway and it also cuts monthly outgoings.


Worst case scenario, i get myself into another Zed once i re mortgage, better case scenario, i free up enough to get a GTR, best case scenario, i free up enough to get a Gallardo, which is something i always wanted.


I have one last mortgage option to explore which means i can keep the Zed :)

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Sounds very interesting. ;)


Also do a house build thread if you can as that would be cool. B)


Its kind of my job anyway, i project manage home refurbs, extensions etc This would be the next progression, its a steep learning curve but one i would enjoy, will do a "build thread" as and when it gets under way :)

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Sorry the car has to go but if you end up with a lovely house and eventually get the car of your dreams it is a worthy sacrifice :teeth: You should document the build on here. I think a lot of people would love to see a house being built :)

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A golden opportunity to build your own house so fully understand your thoughts about the ZED having to go and anyway as it simply won't get used and is hardly a useful carrier for nipping out for a few hundred weight of cement and some acrow props...... :lol:


Your hope that upon completion it may also give you an opportunity to get another ZED, or better, would also be an incentive to make sure the pennies do not get wasted in the house build ;)

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No question the Zed has to go if you have those possible options. As you say, worst case scenario is once you're sorted you buy another Zed and knowing what you know now about Zeds you may end up with a better one, best case is a GTR or Lambo, it's a win-win-win situation :D

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Is it gonna be a funky house like you see on tv??


Sadly nothing out of the ordinary, it needs to fit in with the existing houses so run of the mill, but do have license to get a bit creative on the inside to suit my lifestyle and living needs.


I missed the housing boat a few years back after a nasty bike accident so this will get me back to where i need to be at my age. If i can keep the costs low using my contacts this will enable me to get into something else and may be the only time that i could justify spending that sort of money on a car.

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Good Luck with the build :thumbs: (mine was a hellish nightmare but that's another story)


Not expecting a walk in the park, but most of the trades will be guys i already sub contract so confident with them, it will be fun, it will be stressful, it will be tiring but ultimately very rewarding :)

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