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There Are Some Scrotes In THis World


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Got up to make a cuppa this avo to notice a strange sheen on the roof of my Z, quick trip downstairs to find some b.....d has thrown beer all over it, sticky as f...k, quick rinse and wash later all is saved, at least the didn't throw the bottle / cans at her :boxing:



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Jealous wa**ers or just f**king idiots.


Years ago when I had a 1992 Rover 214si I had parked it outside my mates new flat which just happened to be on a main high street just 100 yards down from the local pub. Came out after a nice evening chilling out with him to find some f**king idiot had kicked my d/s wing mirror the wrong way. :angry:


Luckily I was able to fix it but just what was the point? :dry: Not exactly a nice car to be jealous of or anything so no idea what goes through the mind of some of these planks.


Either way try not to let it bring you down. ;)

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